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Submission + - Bitcoin Exchange CEO Charlie Shrem Arrested on Money Laundering Charge (ibtimes.co.uk)

An anonymous reader writes: Charlie Shrem, the chief executive officer of bitcoin exchange BitInstant, has been arrested and charged with money laundering.

Shrem was arrested at JFK airport on 26 January and was also charged, along with alleged co-conspiratior Robert Faiella, of selling more than $1 million (£600,000) worth of bitcoins to users of Silk Road.

Submission + - A Map of Publicly-Funded Creationism Teaching

Capt.Albatross writes: At Slate, Chris Kirk presents a map of schools in the USA that both receive public funding and teach creationism. It also shows public schools in those states where they are allowed to teach creationism (without necessarily implying that creationism is taught in all public schools of those states). There is a brief discussion of the regulations in those states where this occurs, but the amounts involved are not discussed.

Comment Re: First strike (Score 3, Informative) 418

Can someone explain to me how they can charge me to review the legality of my case? I realize they're offering to "give it back" if I win, but that's not relevant.

Presumably, because you agreed to it in the contract between you and the ISP. You know, the clause that says that they're free to alter the terms of service you're required to obey, at any time -- it's in the contract you didn't read, because nobody ever does.

Comment Re:Oh, the delicious irony! (Score 1) 923

The least you could have done was post something at the bottom of your post like:

Disclosure: I serve as an Information Warfare Officer in the United States Navy Fleet Cyber Command/US Tenth Fleet. I have a master's degree in Information Warfare

To hold an Information Warfare position for US military organisations and then make broad political statements about how bad people who displease the US are without disclosing your position... even if these are your genuine personal opinions, well... let's just agree that you set yourself up for this one?

Myself? I don't think I have anything which would cause my opinion to be overly biased. I am a nerd, I own a Raspberry Pi, I play with Linux, I am doing a postgrad in robotics. Sorry, not a shill.

How in the world does that make any kind of logical sense?

What he posted was a series of links to NY Times articles. Would your knowledge of his employer have changed your interpretation of those New York Times articles, which he didn't author? If the stories he linked to are accurate, would your knowledge of his employer have changed the conclusions you would draw from them?

I might have some sympathy for this argument if he'd posted an extended opinion piece; but he didn't.

The truth is this: his point-of-view is an unpopular one one here, and so people (for example, you) are going to seize on anything they can to smear him, even if irrelevant. It's one step up from "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth."

Comment GPS Radio Occultation (Score 2) 122

How have GRACE GPS radio occultation results compared with TEC data from other observations at the same time and along nearby paths (from GPS ground sites, from other radio occultation observations from e.g. C/NOFS or COSMIC, etc.)? Is the GRACE GPS R/O data publicly available? If so, with how much delay? Thanks.

Comment Re:Not just me (Score 2) 576

I find the author has found 10 chords in a key where only 8 are possible, frankly it takes his credibility away.

Why would you say that only 8 chords are possible in a key? All chords can be played in any key you choose; they're just in different positions in the mode (whichever mode that might be). For instance, if you really want, a C#m7 can appear in your tune no matter what key you're playing.

Comment Re:3 years (Score 2) 250

I'm still with Speakeasy, as I have been since 2001. I didn't experience any setbacks in customer service when they were bought by Best Buy; and since they were bought by (and effectively assimilated into) Megapath, I haven't had issues requiring customer service so I don't know whether there's been any impact. But I'm a bit frustrated paying $80/month for a speed that was quite good in 2001 but ain't so hot today. The problem is that I want an ISP that will leave me alone -- that is, will not throttle my bandwidth, will not block ports or decide for me what services I am/am not allowed to run on my machine, etc. I haven't found one in DC (not the suburbs, but the District itself) that meets those criteria other than Speakeasy.

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