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Comment Re:Making my point with humor (Score 1) 849

I just recently saw a movie on TV where they essentially did that. The computer told the person which characters in the password were incorrect and displayed the correct characters. Of course the hacker geniuses figured it out in a matter of seconds. I got a good laugh out of it, but it wasn't a comedy.

It makes me wonder if the writer is that stupid, or if they think the viewers are that stupid.

Comment Re:My office mate from India (Score 1) 355

So then the question becomes why is it wrong to show affection towards someone you care about? If your best friend died would you feel sad? Would you go to his funeral? Would you hide your feelings from others at the funeral? Or are you comfortable letting others know that you care about your friends?

I'm not criticizing you, they are just rhetorical questions. Clearly it would take a long time for someone to be comfortable with holding hands with their friends after being raised with the idea that it is only a prelude to sex.

I live in Spain where it is quite common to see men holding hands, hugging, and kissing (on the cheek). In general, men don't hold hands unless they are gay, except for family members. It's very common to see fully adult men from the middle east holding hands with their elders. Kissing on the check as a greeting is done between nearly all women/women and women/men, and sometimes men/men, depending mostly on how close they are (never in a business situation).

It's also very common to see high school boys with their arms around each other even while they are flirting with girls.

Comment Is Javascript any different than the HTML? (Score 1) 747

Can't the same questions be asked about the HTML itself? Is there really a difference for the purposes of this conversation? They are both just instructions to the browser. The HTML is essentially "executed" by the browser, albeit much more limited in functionality than the Javascript.

Shouldn't he start with that question?

Comment Re:Silly (Score 1) 186

Hmm, I meant more like analyzing by other means that tasting it...

So we really just need his arm to transfer the droplet from the leg to the testing device. We should be able to send a robot capable of that with much less cost and time. If the first 10 attempts fail, we are still ahead...

And if takes another year or 5 years, it's not really time critical. Unless of course you have a human sitting on the planet waiting for a replacement testing device and a sandwich.

Comment Re:WTF is up with IBM? (Score 1) 623

Companies of that size tend to accumulate a LOT of dead weight in worthless people because the valuable employees move on and the worthless ones stay put, which drives away more of the valuable employees. I can't say for sure that this is the case for IBM, but I know this happens from personal past experience working for a very large corporation.

IBM might just be seizing the opportunity to clean house when a good excuse is handy and few people will question the motivation.

Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 1) 1475

I mean, gays are such a minority out there, is whether they can marry such a big deal with respect to employment? Won't they, like anyone else...go to where the jobs are? It isn't like they can marry everywhere else in the US, and will leave CA in droves.

But if the state had gay marriage, it would be an added incentive to want to move there for gay people, so it's not so much that they are disadvantaged with respect to the rest of the country, but they could have a substantial advantage if they allowed it. It would definitely be a big plus for me.

I moved to another country (Spain) for gay marriage. Not because I wanted to get married, but because I like living in a country that doesn't allow bigotry to rule.

Comment Apple Store was similar (Score 2, Interesting) 526

I purchased something from the Apple store (brick-and-mortar, not online), and after the guy swiped my credit card, he asked if I wanted the receipt emailed to me. I said "sure, do you need my email address", and he said "no, we have it". And sure enough they did, because I got the receipt in my email. I assume they have the information from my iTunes account.

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