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Comment Re:Actually yes... my wife bought one, and I will (Score 1) 609

I do, my somewhat technophobic wife bought the Samsung Focus and hasn't put it down for 3 days. The few games she has are much cooler than what I have on my iphone and it plays them beautifully ! The screen is WAY nicer than my iphone 3gs, the interface is very cool. I've pried it away from her a couple times and I am definitely replacing my iphone with a wp7 soon, I just wanted to wait and make sure it wasn't cancelled like the kin and I'd like to see microsoft get the cut & paste taken care of. There's also a bug with adding memory cards to the phones that can cause instability and microsoft is apparently working on a patch.

xbox live integration is very cool for us gamers, and I'm actually shocked at how well games play on the samsung focus, I have not been impressed with them on my 3gs. The official Tetris for the wp7 sucks 'tho, some idiot decided to make it all tap and swipe instead of having virtual controllers... It also seems like microsoft might have made a mistake in letting hardware-beta-testers leave the first reviews for most (then-beta)-apps. groundspeak's geocaching app sufered from some poor beta-hardware testers reviews, but the app and hardware at launch actually work better than the same app on my 3gs.
I'm torn between getting one now and waiting for even better hardware to come out, but I'm definitely making the switch, apple's "holier than 'thou" approach to everything just makes me nauseous !

Microsoft said their target was first time smart-phone buyers, which would include people like my wife and she was never sold on the iphone, but she did want the wp7 and she loves it... She was not interested in the Kin and predicted it would flop and die, so she has some taste... I think it'll be a success, especially once the xbox crowd discovers it, the integration w/ the xbox live stuff and the phone's gaming abilities are really cool.

Comment Re:well done (Score 1) 1695

I don't think rackspace is worried about "some muslim", I think they're worried about angry Americans.
The military, the secretary of state, and many others have pointed out how this (particular) action is likely to lead to more violence directed at the troops overseas.
While the troops are fighting to create some peace so they can get the hell out, you have idiots feeding the fire back home.

The church can always find another hosting provider, but there's no reason rackspace has to provide a platform.
In the same manner, if you start spouting hate speech on slashdot, odds are the moderators are going to close your account or ban your ip.

Suppressing freedom of speech would require the government to take some action.

"In Afghanistan, Abdul Hadi Rostaqi, a member of the cleric council in the country's largely peaceful Balkh province, said Thursday that if the burning goes ahead, "a big protest will be held" in the provincial capital Mazar-i-Sharif next Monday. NATO-led troops stationed in the city — one of the country's main centers of the Islamic teaching — would be the primary target." - Mitch Stacy, Associated Press

Comment Re:Not so perfect iPhone? (Score 1) 534

I bet the engineers at Toyota are PISSED, the best they could come up with for their flaky systems was blaming it on random cosmic radiation. If only they'd had Steve Jobs to spin things they might have been able to eliminate the brake pedals completely and shift the blame to the roads for any problems with speeding or slowing.

Comment Re:Bad, Bad Idea (Score 1) 495

Gotta agree with this.
Any time the business is cutting jobs around you while expanding, management's already gone horribly wrong.
Just try for a better job title and get your responsibilities (job description sorted out).
If you're useful, hardworking, and not a total douche, you'll always be able to find another job.

Comment Re:The Pentagon Papers / Absense of Malice (Score 1) 1204

If this was legitimate reporting it'd be one thing, but dealing in stolen goods and revealing trade secrets obtained from those stolen goods, that's hardly Journalism.
This is more akin to breaking and entering a celebrities home and taking a picture of them in the shower, then going on to selling it to the People magazine or such. Returning the negatives after the pictures are on the web, hardly makes you look like a 'good' guy.


Brain Surgery Linked To Sensation of Spirituality 380

the3stars writes "'Removing part of the brain can induce inner peace, according to researchers from Italy. Their study provides the strongest evidence to date that spiritual thinking arises in, or is limited by, specific brain areas. This raises a number of interesting issues about spirituality, among them whether or not people can be born with a strong propensity towards spirituality and also whether it can be acquired through head trauma." One critic's quoted response: "It's important to recognize that the whole study is based on changes in one self-report measure, which is a coarse measure that includes some strange items."

An Inside Look At Warhammer Online's Server Setup 71

An article at Gamasutra provides some details on the hardware Mythic uses to power Warhammer Online, courtesy of Chief Technical Officer Matt Shaw and Online Technical Director Andrew Mann. Quoting: "At any given time, approximately 2,000 servers are in operation, supporting the gameplay in WAR. Matt Shaw commented, 'What we call a server to the user, that main server is actually a cluster of a number of machines. Our Server Farm in Virginia, for example,' Mann said, 'has about 60 Dell Blade chassis running Warhammer Online — each hosting up to 16 servers. All in all, we have about 700 servers in operation at this location.' ... 'We use blade architecture heavily for Warhammer Online,' Mann noted. 'Almost every server that we deploy is a blade system. We don't use virtualization; our software is somewhat virtualized itself. We've always had the technology to run our game world across several pieces of hardware. It's application-layer clustering at a process level. Virtualization wouldn't gain us much because we already run very close to peak CPU usage on these systems.' ... The normalized server configuration — in use across all of the Mythic-managed facilities — features dual Quad-Core Intel Xeon processors running at 3 GHz with 8 GB of RAM."

The Best Robots of 2009 51

kkleiner writes "Singularity Hub has just unveiled its second annual roundup of the best robots of the year. In 2009 robots continued their advance towards world domination with several impressive breakouts in areas such as walking, automation, and agility, while still lacking in adaptability and reasoning ability. It will be several years until robots can gain the artificial intelligence that will truly make them remarkable, but in the meantime they are still pretty awesome."

Comment Re:Sounds good to me (Score 1) 757

Or, less jobs if you consider that some number of these people would get fed up with working for someone else and start their own firm.

Previously they'd start them in Si Valley, now they'll start them in India or China; competing with, rather than contributing to, America

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