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Comment Re:Sad news (Score 4, Insightful) 920

"The Mountain West in an uninhabitable wasteland, enormously expensive to get to, and impossible to survive in for long periods without costly, regular support deliveries from the Industrialized East."

That's always been "true", and always been a lame excuse. Yes, in a colonization effort LOTS of people fail - ask the Roanoake colony. But someone will succeed, and MAKE the "wasteland" into a paradise.

You can choose to stay in the tenement - if someone offers me 50 acres, I'm taking it!

Comment Re:Sad news (Score 5, Insightful) 920

How is cutting the defense budget down to the levels other first world nations invest in their militaries "withdrawing from the world"?

Because a very large portion of our defense spending is used in providing defense for those other 1st world nations. The reason Europe and Japan don't have huge armies is that the US does it for the, with bases all over the world, populated by US personnel. If the US were to pull out of Europe and Japan (which I wholeheartedly endorse, btw), our budget would shrink - and their budgets would skyrocket. And then the bleating about the US not "living up to it's global responsibilities" would start anew.

Comment Re:Terrific.... (Score 1) 284

"So now I can look forward to being aggressively proselytized on the web as well as by obnoxious yokels in the real world. Wonderful."

Really? As far as I can tell, Roman Catholic priests are the least likely to proselytize, at least in the 7th Day/Mormon Missionary sense. For that matter, there is extremely little RC "televangelism".

Do you have any particular instance in mind?

Comment Re:Wouldn't it be nice if they posted the ACTA neg (Score 1) 81

"Obama made the promise, Congress is failing to uphold it. I don't see a problem here."

While that is technically true, it's far too facile. Before one can claim that someone else is responsible for a broken promise, one must make at least SOME effort to fulfill it. Where Congress is concerned, he hasn't even tried.

Publish text of bills pror to the vote? Sorry, it's too "urgent".

Veto bills with earmarks? Sorry, "last year's business".

Televise negotiations? Sorry, too "sensitive".

Obama has let the Congressional leadership do whatever they want without even token protest. I don't like his politics, but I had held some "hope" that he'd have the balls to apply "change" to his own party. Turns out whatever balls he had are firmly ensconced in Pelosi's handbag.

Comment Stop calling it "passWORD" (Score 1) 499

People only use letters and numbers because when they thing "word" it implies some meaning or coherence. We all understand what letters and numbers stand for or "mean". Non-alphanumerics? Hell, we can't even decide what to call "#" - is it "hash" or "pound?"
Is "." "dot" or "point?" For that matter, I still associate "$" with "string" in Fortran.

Start calling them security codes, pass codes, mystery keys, whatever.

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The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have his head knocked off. -- Bill Conrad
