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Comment Vaporstory (Score 1) 83

There's a bit of a gap between the headline stating that Kinect is "revolutionizing robotics" and the article stating that the project has been "announced" and that there "will likely be a torrent of robots".

We'll see. In the mean time I will be revolutionizing the Internet with an idea that I will announce in the near future.

Comment What's MS up to? (Score 3, Insightful) 229

There are two strategies MS can play:

  • Old school IE: Make own standards to try to vendor lock-in people with the MS platform
  • Standards compliant IE: Try to closely adhere to standards and basically render like all the other browsers

I don't think the first strategy will work anymore. People learned what IE6 really costs in the long run. That leaves strategy two. But why bother? It a huge investment development wise, and I don't see them gaining anything from it without the vendor lock-in. So is this just "we want a browser too", or what?

Comment Re:Juxtaposition (Score 1) 314

The democratic principle is that the ultimate authority is the citizenry, and that is limited by the principle of civil rights, in which there are individual rights that are not to be taken away.

Such as "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."?

Comment Re:Religiosity gene? (Score 1) 729

The funny thing is that I thought academics would lean towards the free will argument, but I guess sometimes they take "there must be an explanation for everything" too far and convince themselves that human behaviour is easily explained with statistical models with ridiculously weak premises.

Or maybe it's based on evidence. Controversial notion, I know.

Comment Re:Don't worry big media, the fix is in (Score 2) 463

The Republicans might actually be playing this angle on purpose. Think about it. They've gotten tax cuts under Obama that they couldn't get under Bush, and if (or when) it causes a deficit meltdown Obama will take the blame. Running Palin or any of the other ... candidates is a complete win win for them. If Palin wins who knows what will happen. If Obama wins they can keep voting in reckless bills and have the Democrats take the blame for it.

Just wait and see what happens with Social Security.


Submission + - MS confirms Windows Phone 7 'phantom data' issue (

qmaqdk writes: As reported earlier on /. Microsoft has been investigating the 'phantom data' issue with Windows Phone 7, where users could experience 3G data transfers of up to 50MB per day. Now Microsoft has confirmed the issue, and is blaming it on "an unnamed third party service". Another article indicates that the fix is external and there will be "no need for a system software update."

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