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Comment So why systemd? (Score -1) 221

If you dont have hotplug hardware with its udev nonsense, and you don't have a GUI, and your users don't log in interactively to the OS, why do you need systemd and all its crap? init + an rc script to launch $YOUR_APP and you're done.

Comment 3000 carriers (Score -1) 221

When those 3000 dudes come home, and go back through the major US airports, back to their families distributed across the country, and THEN spread the disease, it's going to be awesome.

Never wasting a good crisis, the President and administration will use this as an opportunity for massive federalization of health care and private sectore business.

Comment Only adds complexity (Score -1) 385

As a RHEL server admin, the only thing I see systemd adding is complexity. Do a fresh install and compare it to RHEL5 or 6, and you have way more stuff running, new start/stop methods for init scripts, weird NTP replacements, and a bunch of stuff that you don't need. Then you go and install your app, or something like Postfix (because you're building a mail server). Why do you need parallel boot? udev hotpluggery? a "logind" process?

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