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Comment Touch bad on vertical - obvious when you try (Score 1) 377

"Touch surfaces don't want to be vertical" absolutely completely obviously true to anyone who's used one for any length of time.
After 15 seconds you're already thinking "uh oh" and after five minutes it become torture.

I hear Chuck Norris uses one while hanging completely inverted suspended only by his toenails.

Comment C# is irrelevent ; only C++/GLES matters (Score 5, Insightful) 189

"Professional" mobile games (i.e. by commercial dev companies) are almost universally written in straight C/C++ with minimal ObjectiveC / Dalvik wrappers to get to the phone hardware.
If you have a hit title, do you -really- want to have to rewrite the whole thing from top to bottom to port it to other platforms?

I spent several months a few years back working hard to convince my employer (a certain US carrier) that going ahead and launching a J2ME-based mobile platform (in the last 00's - this is post-iPhone, people) was would elicit nothing more than mockery (and, at best, shovelware) from the developer community. My employer subsequently canned the idea, and I like to think that my steely knives helped kill the beast.
My main argument was that forcing developers to rewrite significant portions of code almost guarantees you won't get major titles, regardless of your hardware lineup.

One of the smartest things Google did with Android was the NDK; I recently ported a top-10 iPhone 3d game (written 99% in straight C/++) to Android NDK and including my getting-to-know-you time I was done in 3 weeks. Was scorchingly fast on the Galaxy Tab compared to iPad.

The frank reality is that iOS is very obviously the largest mobile platform for developers, and others (Android, WP7, WebOS etc) must make it as easy as possible to port titles over.
Google did a marvellous job of adding this capability; NDK gives you plenty enough bare metal to port easily from other platforms.
I've not looked at WebOS ;-) but it appears they were smart enough to provide a plain-vanilla C++ and OGLES environment for games.

Android and iPhone can handle running native code apps just fine. If WP7 can't make itself a viable (easy!) porting target like Android, it's going to be spending a lot of Saturday nights at home watching TV waiting for the phone to ring.

Comment Awesome interview with guy (Score 1) 2058


Skip to 5:20 in.

Gene Cranick (interviewed sitting in front of his incinerated house) is politely presented faced with many of the above arguments. ...comedy genius

The interviewer does his best to be nice... you can actually hear his brain start to boil at 8:50

Comment I did that last year for Burning Man (Score 1) 244

for a Burning Man project, using a spherical screen and a 6-channel sound system;



Various construction vids at

Works great but green's really where it's at. Blue and Red are much, much dimmer and have shorter persistence.

Alas my shit was not together in time to work properly on the playa... I'll be back this year with the real thing...


SDK Shoot Out, Android Vs. IPhone 413

snydeq writes "Fatal Exception's Neil McAllister delves into the Android and iPhone SDKs to help sort out which will be the best bet for developers now that technical details of the first Android smartphone have been announced. Whereas the iPhone requires an Intel-based Mac running OS X 10.5.4 or later, ADC membership, and familiarity with proprietary Mac OS X dev tools, the standard IDE for Android is Eclipse. And because most tasks can be performed with command-line tools, you can expert third parties to develop Android SDK plug-ins for other IDEs. Objective-C, used almost nowhere outside Apple, is required for iPhone UI development, while app-level Android programming is done in Java. 'By just about any measure, Google's Android is more open and developer-friendly than the iPhone,' McAllister writes, noting Apple's gag order restrictions on documentation, proprietary software requirements to view training videos, and right to reject your finished app from the sole distribution channel for iPhone. This openness is, of course, essential to Android's prospects. 'Based on raw market share alone, the iPhone seems likely to remain the smartphone developer's platform of choice — especially when ISVs can translate that market share into application sales,' McAllister writes. 'Sound familiar? In this race, Apple is taking a page from Microsoft's book, while Google looks suspiciously like Linux.'"

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