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Comment Re:As long they're not on Windows (Score 1) 606

Write it up in a Blog!

It doesn't have to be more of a dump of the 'history' with the non-working lines removed - but it's incredibly helpful to people Googling around.

What's more, having your 'log file' on the Internet is an instant back-up (and did I mention that you'd be helping a ton of other people out there too?)

Comment Re:Change... (Score 1) 1073

So are you saying it's better to wait for calculus? Maybe not bother trying?

Most students don't ever understand algebra either ('do the same to both sides' is IMHO not real understanding). But getting exposure early means that people at least have a framework in which they can fill in the 'sophisticated' blanks. YMMV.

Comment Re:There is no way an AI can build a cleverer AI. (Score 2, Interesting) 482

So : if HAL is turing-complete it can solve exactly the same set of problems as any machine it designs. Fair enough. But that's not so much a limitation of the potential of machines, more a limitation in the decidability of the problems. Humans wouldn't be able to decide them either : the problems simply cannot be reduced to true or false via any sequence of valid operations.

But this is no argument against the possibility of creating AI. Our limitation there is (seems to me to be) more a problem of knowing what we really want the machine to actually 'do'. We don't have a firm enough grasp of what Intelligence is to answer the question by producing the actual machine. But I don't see any reason why it should be permanently out of our grasp, since a pair humans can already produce offspring that are more intelligent than either parent - it's just that we don't know what we're doing yet.

Comment Re:Transputers, anyone? (Score 1) 115

I was there on a summer holiday job : at a small Cambridge company called Perihelion.

Oddly enough, when the company went bust, I was one of the few people who knew and/or cared what was in the physical building - and bought quite a few of the assets ("box of components #6") from the receiver/liquidator. I still have some transputers lying around (a friend and I managed to sell off a bunch of transputer modules over the course of the summer).

And I still have the old Perihelion sign... Those were the days.

Comment Re:Come on, let's be honest here... (Score 1) 513

You'd be surprised how tech-literate musicians that use Digital Audio Workstations are. A few years ago I went to an demo event for a DAW package, and half of the discussion was about hyperthreading and LII caches...

It's not like musicians want to know the low-level details, but they do need to know whether they can run 10 reverbs in real-time : and would prefer 30, 50 ,... effects. Their demands on hardware are insatiable - and it has to be rock-solid.

Comment Re:I don't think Linux will be much on audio... (Score 1) 513

Maybe you were just pointing to the 'bundled for average guitar joe' thing.

But if you're talking Line6 products, I was surprised to find kernel drivers available for my UX1 (which I was about to sell on ebay after switching to a pure Linux environment).

Of course, the company won't notice that the Linux driver effort effectively won them a sale (because my second-hand unit wasn't on ebay to be bought by the Windows user that would have bought it in the place of the new unit...)

Kernel driver writers for odd hardware are pretty heroic IMHO.


Automated Migration From Cobol To Java On Linux 195

Didier DURAND writes "Just published an article about our 100% automated migration from IBM mainframe with Cobol to Linux Java: we could convert of our own application (4 million lines of code) through the tools that we developed. Those tools are open-sourced under GPL for other companies to benefit from them. We save 3 millions euros / year after this migration!"

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