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Comment Re:Support (Score 1) 149

Find someone to come in and tell you,

"Ah, we can fix this. We'll just replace it with an MS AD server. Oh wait, you want to keep this? Why ever for?"

Those are a dime a dozen. Well ok, considerably more than a dime. But they make themselves sound soooo wonderful...

Comment I'd pay about what i pay now... (Score 1) 475

...not a damned thing.

Seriously, while Youtube has some worthwile content (tutorials, etc) its not of sufficient quality that I'd actually plunk down money to watch. Hell if i see one more chick shaking her ass to some song...im going to retch (after the video is over of course).

Just my 2cents.

Comment Email (Score 1) 739

In a move that, in hindsight, was eriely prohpetic i set up a uucp mail server. I was teaching myself C when a coworker gave me a copy of this disk based unix tutorial. I thought it was neat and then began hunting around for a full version of the os. Mind you, this was 1992 or so. I even remember sending 3 boxes of 3.5" floppies to someone somewhere who copied a version of slackware for me and sent them back. Loved the OS ever since.

Comment As if i dont waste enough money on TW (Score 1) 479

Ok, lets see, this server with i already pay 100+ dollars for, to watch maybe a dozen out of a couple hundred channels, wants to charge me even more for having an internet life? Isn't it bad enough that i have to pay for channels i'll never use like the spanish speaking channels, or that i have to buy blocks of the same network that shows the same thing on each channel? And lets see, i spend most of the day either asleep or at work. Something isn't adding up. Damned thieves...

Comment Re:Considering Galatica ends this weekend (Score 1) 798

I have to agree with you on this. With the cancellation of so much that was truly good, we are left with the occasional gem in a trough of crap. All the snake movies, and gator movie and spider movies, and knock offs of other movies... I remember when i used to enjoy watching SF. Now its my starting point to surf up FX or USA, or down to History or some such.

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