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Comment Re:A good day for Open Source / Free Software (Score 4, Insightful) 262

The difference is that users in your country can self-support and continue local development of the software, even if they are cut off from US-based communities. If the native language is not English, of course in this case it's Spanish, there are likely to be language-specific discussion and self-support sites already in use by people in that country.

Comment Anti-SLAPP - does your state have it yet? (Score 3, Informative) 68

You have a First Amendment right to state your opinion.

Strategic Lawsuits against Public Participation are a problem everywhere, and are brought to curtail that right. Some, but not all US states, have an anti-SLAPP law. Having been sued for 3 Million dollars for giving my opinion that someone violated the GPL, I know the value of the California anti-SLAPP law. The plaintiff had to take out this $300,000 bond to pay for my defense. Stay tuned!

Comment Not all good (Score 1) 269

Please consider that the store employees face a really significant risk of being hurt or killed in a robbery. Just search the news for "7-11 killed". Although they can put excess cash in a vault that they can't open, this does not deter the drug-user with a gun, who needs another dose now.

Comment Good safety record on reused rockets now (Score 5, Interesting) 50

SpaceX now has a better safety record on reused rockets than new ones. Two new rockets failed, and no reused ones.

I hope they resolve the Crew Dragon issue soon. Depending on the Russians for access to space is a non-starter, and if Boeing has another problem with their rocket, which hasn't been a picnic so far, we're stuck.

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