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Comment Re:Human trials (Score 1) 147

I attended a talk by Dr. Atala earlier this year. His background in urology, so urethras and bladders were the first applications of the technology. The problem with other organs is vascularization. Without infiltration by blood vessels, the printed tissue can only survive in a layer 5cm from blood. That's fine for hollow organs like those that have gone to trial.

Comment Re:How boring (Score 1) 147

The same technology has already printed a chicken heart, that spontaneously started contracting and coordinated the rhythm across the whole organ within a day.

Comment Re:Calls to virt funcs during member con/destructi (Score 1) 509

In the garbage collection case, either
1. The parent should not have been hooked to garbage collection before its members were contstructed
2. Garbage collection should be suppressed during a constructor

In the exception case, a constructor that is going to throw has the responsibility of cleaning up its members before it throws. When a constructor throws, the destructor is not run. If a constructor fails and exceptions aren't available, it should still clean up its members and set a flag to let the destructor know not to do anything.

Comment Re:Calls to virt funcs during member con/destructi (Score 1) 509

I'm not sure of the answer to your question, but the answer to your problem is not to do this:

- the construction or other initialization of the derived class members BEFORE executing the body of the derived class constructor calls the virtual function.

This is a circular dependency that will never make logical sense, much less have a sensible implementation. If you find yourself needing to do this, there should be a way to renormalize your object model so that the member objects are not dependent on (or even aware of) the existence of the thing they are destined to be members of (at least until all the parties involved have completed their constructors, but preferably maintaining orthogonality through the entire life cycle)


Air Force Sonic Booms Ignite Crocodiles' Sex Drives 61

It turns out the key to a male crocodile's heart is a sonic boom. Crocodiles at an Israeli farm have begun making mating calls in response to sonic booms created by air force planes breaking the sound barrier. From the article: "The males have already begun their mating calls, described by the newspaper as 'the sound a vehicle breaking,' normally reserved for the crocodiles' spring mating season, Israeli newspaper Maariv reported. David Golan of the Hamat Gadar crocodile farm in the Golan Heights, believes the reptiles were responding to the sonic booms, wrongly believing they were the calls of rival males encroaching on their territory

Comment Re:To compute what? (Score 2, Insightful) 238

China beats IBM, we can no longer say that we're the most technologically advanced country and that's what I want. If that happens, maybe we'll get a boost in science education like post-Sputnik.

We don't need more science education (except maybe educating legislators). We need more science investment and employment to clear out the backlog of science postdocs that have been educated in numbers far in excess of jobs that require that sort of qualification.

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