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Comment Re:A lot of religious people (Score 2) 557

nothing to do with religious people. a human is born entirely without any other help other than requisite nutrients out of the first singular cell - at that point that code is the same and exactly the dna that you have in the billions of cells in your body. the entirety of the person is defined this way. you can take a cells from the day two and clone it into 100000 exactly similar persons.

You could also take any given cell from your anal sphincter and use its DNA to clone 100000 exactly similar persons.

Does that make your asshole a child?

Comment Re: Of course it is (Score 1) 90

Oh, and if you could somehow do without the if err != nil pattern, you'd probably shrink the number of lines in every golang project by half.

Maybe they should add "catch (...) { }" to the language.

But seriously, they proposed a rather straightforward streamlined syntax for errors a couple of years ago, but it was rejected by the community. Back to the drawing board.

I personally don't mind the very explicit error handling too much. It kind of makes it clear that you've though through at least some of the corner cases.

Comment Boss advice (Score 1) 97

Xbox Boss Tells Employees Microsoft Has No Plans To Stop Making Consoles

Don't fall for it, it's a trick. This Boss is very hard to beat.

However, over at, they give tips on how to defeat him. First: don't fall for his traps like this apparent career reassurance. Second: stay to the back of the conference room and always try to hit him from the side. Keep moving and never let him fix his laser pointer on you. Make sure you have plenty of ammo; it takes dozens of hits to finally finish him off.

Comment Re:Pay down technical debt, not incur new one (Score 1) 61

If I have to run in C++ slow debug mode, maybe I should just use a safer, slightly slower language like Java, Go or Pascal in the first place.

"But you only use debug mode while your developing!"

That's probably only testing the happy paths.

"Then you should use $CODE_COVERAGE_TOOL!"

This is really getting complicated and expensive. Why not just begin migrating to Rust like the article said?

Comment Re:Pay down technical debt, not incur new one (Score 1) 61

The most direct approach to improve security and quality of C++ project is to migrate to more recent C++ specification and compilers.

How recent? Is this enough?

g++ --version
g++ 12.2.0
Copyright (C) 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Is there anything wrong with this code?

#include <vector>
int main() {
    auto v = std::vector<int>({1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1});
    for (auto n : v) {
        if (n == 1) {
    return 0;

The compiler seems to think it's OK:

$ g++ -Wall -pedantic t2.cpp
$ echo $?

Spoiler: Might there be a rule about iterators that you have to manually remember/enforce? Might there be literally hundreds of other rules in the language that you also have to manually remember/enforce?

Comment Re:Deluded farmer (Score 1) 200

Yada, yada yada.

Someone always says that. Blah blah STATES, except when you don't agree with some state, then you rely on the rigged SCOTUS to overrule them.

People in Montana or Iowa don't care about the needs of people in more populous states, but they saddle us all with leaders like that orange moron anyway. Like I said, it's the tyranny of the minority.

Comment More details (Score 5, Funny) 100

The article didn't explain the actual syntax of the shell command:

C:\> System.Service.Get-Privileges(Get-Users.CurrentUser) | ExecuteProcessWithAlternatePrivileges --ExecuteTime="Now" --ExecutePriority="Standard" --AssumeUserIdentity="MyDomain\\Administrators\\DefaultAdministrator" --WithAccessControlList="Default" --CommandToRun="DEL MYFILE~1.TXT"

Comment Re:Deluded farmer (Score 1) 200

The US constitution is gerrymandered. People in nearly empty states get several times as much voting power in presidential elections as people in highly populated states.

If you haven't noticed, "rural friendly" presidents tend to be elected into office with a minority of the overall votes lately.

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