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Comment Re:Do not want (Score 1) 218

I didn't realize scrip/acting and 3D were mutually exclusive.. does the same apply to CGI, HD video at home, surround sound and color, too?

What 'Citizen Kane' really needed was some CGI. Then Welles could have made the movie he was really dreaming of, where Rosebud was shark with a frickin' laser on its head! What a let down.

Comment Licensed vs. Stolen (Score 1) 758

There's a much more accurate parallel here than licensed software. Open up any paperback book to the publication page. On it you'll find text similar to this (found in my copy of "The Pelican Brief"):

If you purchased this book without a cover you should be aware that this book is stolen properly. It was reported as "unsold and destroyed" to the publisher and neither the author nor the publisher has received any payment for this "stripped book"

The guys at AutoDesk said "you don't need to ship that back to us, just destroy it" regarding the old versions R14. They did this to save money and allow cheaper upgrade pricing. After shaking hands on that deal those R14 disks, if sold, seem to me more analogous to stolen property than previously licensed editions.

Comment Re:Yay! (Score 1) 758

The only good news is that it is much harder to enforce a license when buying an actual good, because people aren't used to having to sign a document when buying a stove or a TV.

I sign my name on an agreement every time I use my credit card for anything of substance. From last weeks Pizza Receipt:

"I agree to pay the above total amount according to card issuer agreement."

I figure it will take about 10 seconds for someone at VISA to realize that they can charge the Merchant a little bit more to have that signature cover a licensing agreement.

Comment Re:This is the problem with Hate Speech Laws (Score 2, Interesting) 1695

Sooner or later you get into the question, do people have the right to dislike other groups of people?

Absolutely. My question is this: Why are they burning this particular book at this particular time? Are they making some statement about their beliefs? Or is their goal to foster fear and hatred of someone elses? Would they be offended if I got all my friends together to have a Bible Burning and Weenie Roast?

I don't believe in thought crimes, so I'm mostly against laws criminalizing some frame of mind. That said, I also believe in the Golden Rule. I'm hoping someone really does rent the yard across the street from their Quran cookoff and hold the first annual Bible Burning and Weenie Roast. Maybe with little brands of the cross or a Jesus fish on every frank.


Australia To Fight iPod Use By Pedestrians 450

Kilrah_il writes "In recent years the number of people killed on roads in New South Wales, Australia has dropped, but strangely enough, the number of pedestrians killed has risen. Some think it's because of the use of iPods and other music players making people not attentive to road dangers (the so-called 'iPod Zombie Trance'). Based on this (unproven) assumption, the Pedestrian Council has started a campaign in an effort to educate the people, but apparently it isn't enough. Now, some are pushing for the government to enact laws to help eradicate the problem. 'The government is quite happy to legislate that people can lose two demerit points for having music up too loud in their cars, but is apparently unconcerned that listening devices now appear to have become lethal pieces of entertainment,' [Harold Scruby of the Pedestrian Council of Australia] said. 'They should legislate appropriate penalties for people acting so carelessly towards their own welfare and that of others. ... Manufacturers should be made to [warn] consumers of the risks they run.'"

Assange Rape Case Reopened 529

eldavojohn writes "Wikileaks' Julian Assange had a warrant issued for his arrest in Sweden on the charges of rape. But it was withdrawn shortly thereafter. Now the case has been reopened to investigate 'molestation charges.' On top of that, a new site (parody?) called has been launched by the chief editor of Gawker to give Wikileaks a taste of its own medicine. You can find links to details on the molestation charges there."

Comment Re:Sorting real objects (Score 1) 118

Well, to be pedantic, that's not *strictly* quicksort. It's a two bin radix sort. The only difference, of course, is that in quicksort you pick your pivot based on some item(s) in your set, and in radix you select the boundary based on properties of the data distribution. I only mention it because I *have* seen something that uses radix sort on physical objects: an old punch card sorter.


Google Responds To Net Neutrality Reviews 265

I Don't Believe in Imaginary Property writes "Google has written a defense of their joint Net Neutrality proposal with Verizon, responding to criticism like the EFF's recent review. Google presents its arguments as a list of myths and facts, but too many of them look like this one: 'MYTH: This proposal would eliminate network neutrality over wireless. FACT: It's true that Google previously has advocated for certain openness safeguards to be applied in a similar fashion to what would be applied to wireline services. However, in the spirit of compromise, we have agreed to a proposal that allows this market to remain free from regulation for now, while Congress keeps a watchful eye. Why? First, the wireless market is more competitive than the wireline market, given that consumers typically have more than just two providers to choose from. Second, because wireless networks employ airwaves, rather than wires, and share constrained capacity among many users, these carriers need to manage their networks more actively. Third, network and device openness is now beginning to take off as a significant business model in this space.'"

Gene Mutation Caused 2009 H1N1 Virus Spread 158

An anonymous reader writes "Researchers have found that a gene mutation was the reason behind the increased virulence of the 2009 H1N1 swine flu virus which resulted in a pandemic across the world. 'The H1N1 virus, Kawaoka explains, is really a combination of four different avian and swine flu viruses that have emerged over the past 90 years, and even includes genetic residue of the 1918 pandemic virus, an influenza that killed as many as 20 million people.' The University of Wisconsin-Madison's School of Veterinary Medicine researchers identified the relocation of a specific amino acid in the gene matrix that enabled the virus to hijack host cells, a feat that triggered the recent pandemic." The World Health Organization's director general said H1N1 is likely to lose its status as a pandemic very soon.

Senators Want Big Rocket Instead of New Tech, Commercial Transportation 342

FleaPlus writes "Members of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation are drafting a bill (due this week) which slashes NASA technology development/demonstrations, commercial space transportation, and new robotic missions to a small fraction of what the White House proposed earlier this year. The bill would instead redirect NASA funds to 'immediate' development of a government-designed heavy lift rocket, although it's still unclear if NASA can afford a heavy lifter in the long term or if (with the new technology the Senators seek to cut, like in-space refueling) it actually needs such a rocket. The Senators' rocket design dictates a payload of 75mT to orbit, uses the existing Ares contracts and Shuttle infrastructure as much as possible, and forces use of the solid rocket motors produced by Utah arms manufacturer ATK."

Prince Says Internet Is Over 450

the_arrow writes "According to the artist currently known as Prince, 'The internet's completely over.' At least that what he says in an interview with the British newspaper Mirror. Quoting Prince: 'The internet's like MTV. At one time MTV was hip and suddenly it became outdated. Anyway, all these computers and digital gadgets are no good. They just fill your head with numbers and that can't be good for you.'"

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