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Comment Tricky things, lawyers. (Score 3, Insightful) 321

"since some of the very lawyers who have been representing them have been appointed to the highest echelons of the Obama DoJ."

Sometimes people just need a reminder that there is no grouping of people with less principles than Lawyers. We made the assumption that, since RIAA lawyers were hired to the DOJ, that they would find in favor of the RIAA. But it seems that lawyers are almost always megaphones for who is signing their paycheck.

And in this situation, it worked out in our favor.

Comment What about telecommuting? (Score 2, Interesting) 194

Right now, I'd love to start looking at working for a company in Europe, but I'm really not looking to move out of the U.S. I'm young, and single, and the idea of traveling frequently definitely appeals to me, but I really do love living in the U.S. And getting paid in UK Pounds or Euros wouldn't hurt too much. :)

Any tips for how to nail a telecommuting job overseas?

Social Networks

Submission + - The Future Of Social Networking (

Michael Chisari writes: "I've written an essay which explores the future of social networking. The current crop of social networking sites all operate as "walled gardens", where very little interaction with the outside internet is allowed. The whole situation we're in makes no sense in the context of the way the internet was meant to operate. The natural evolution is an open, distributed standard."

Former CA Boss Gets 12 Years, $8M Fine 150

mwnyc writes "The BBC is reporting on the sentence issued today to former CA boss Sanjay Kumar, who had pleaded guilty to charges including conspiracy and securities fraud. Mr. Kumar is expected to begin serving time in February 2007. Under federal sentencing guidelines, Kumar could have faced life in prison but the judge called that punishment 'unreasonable.'"

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
