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Journal Journal: wittty little drunken je 9

fun night.

shit. cant spell straight.... except I love you all... damn I had big thoughts about laying out my last bit of life to you but I can't actually express it cause I 'm too damn drunk.

I'm reading stuff and thinking of you all.


Submission + - Astronauts Prepare to Open Station Room (

mikesd81 writes: "ABC News reports that the ISS has opened the new station room. Commander Peggy Whitson and astronaut Paolo Nespoli delayed their lunch so the event could happen before the station's orbit temporarily blocked the ability to send a video downlink to Mission Contro. "It's a pleasure to be here in this very beautiful piece of hardware," said Nespoli, who joined Discovery's crew to personally deliver the Italian-made pressurized chamber. Astronauts added the school bus-sized room called Harmony during a 6.5-hour spacewalk Friday, using a robotic arm to lift it from the shuttle's cargo bay and install it on the station. The compartment will serve as the docking port and nerve center for European and Japanese laboratories that will be delivered on the next three shuttle flights. It also will be a power and thermal distribution center, providing air, electricity, water and other systems for the space station. Racks of computer and electronic equipment are already inside the cylinder, which will double as a living space for the crew. The astronauts will have to undo about 700 bolts that held down the equipment during flight to get the room ready. Also time on Saturday has been set aside to inspect Discovery."
User Journal

Journal Journal: LifeDrive choices 8

My microdrive in my Palm LifeDrive is dead. Actually it died a while ago, I just haven't had time to even contemplate what to do with it.

I could pay $150 for a fix/replacement from Palm.


User Journal

Journal Journal: [avr] Annoyances

Well, gcc-avr has been trying hard to annoy me all day: firstly, the optimizer seems to be rather over-zealous, optimizing away entire code blocks it thinks does nothing (but which in fact has a profound effect on a routine driven by a timer interrupt). Declaring the variables as 'volatile' as suggested by the documentation had no effect. Putting a useless function call into the code block made it work, or turning optimization off made it work. There are probably some subtleties that I'm miss


Submission + - NASA to build largest Supercomputer ever ( 1

Onlyodin writes: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has given the green light to a project that will build the largest ever supercomputer based on Silicon Graphics' (SGI) 512-processor Altix computers.

Called Project Columbia and costing around $160-million, the 10,240-processor system will be used by researchers at the Advanced Supercomputing Facility at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California.

What makes Project Columbia unique is the size of the multiprocessor Linux systems, or nodes, that it clusters together. It is common for supercomputers to be built of thousands of two-processor nodes, but the Ames system uses SGI's NUMAlink switching technology and ProPack Linux operating system enhancements to connect 512-processor nodes, each of which will have more than 1,000G bytes of memory.

Full Story at Linuxworld

User Journal

Journal Journal: Tempted... 12

I'm going to Europe this fall, to speak at a conference! Cool, huh? I'm going to stay for an extra week after, and soak up some culture.

The reason why I can go, is that the company hosting the conference is paying for my airfare & hotel, so it isn't a burden on my company, who just couldn't justify the expense otherwise.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Yet another uptime milestone reached: 3

Different server, same web hosting company:

$ uptime
13:16:43 up 1 day, 23:52, 9 users, load average: 949.54, 1004.56, 988.20

I think this one will be tough to beat :)


User Journal

Journal Journal: More one-tooth stories 7

Remember the guy who dumped the propane bottle into the campfire and blew it up?

Well he was back at it this July long weekend. This time, the adults appear to have gotten completely wasted on various substances including but most definitely not limited to mushrooms and alcohol, just in time for the fireworks display.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Grrrl Rage Issues 6

I will try not to belabour this, but I need to put it down.

I recently attended a conference, one of the favorites of my year. I've been attending forever and ever. Last year, one of the speakers was (gasp) female. She is an analyst, smart and pretty and matter-of-fact. She gave a fantastic presentation that didn't mince words, and received a lot of praise for both her content and her style.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Bloody OSS licensing 9

Is there such a thing as BSD-licensing for dummies? Because I'd buy it.

I get that this is the license template. Now WTF do I do with it?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Answer to Mac geek stuff 2

I love it when a plan comes together :)

Turns out I was right to worry. So -- there are 3 kinds of partitioning schemes for a disk, when you go to partition, you have to know to click on "options" and then you'll see the three types:

User Journal

Journal Journal: inconsequential details on a thursday afternoon 3

It's sunny - I'm at home listening to music on my stereo, with the back door open and a madras curry bubbling in the crockpot on the other side of the kitchen counter. I'm fixing bugs, staring down the inimitable gullet of C14N xml canonicalization, and smelling the lilacs in bloom.

User Journal

Journal Journal: new low in uptime 5

[eggnog]$ uptime
09:13:22 up 29 days, 1:44, 3 users, load average: 116.15, 94.25, 63.14

Seems that it's been 29 days since I last posted uptime for my server :) 10 bucks says they reboot - and here I almost made it a month with no reboots. Best of all, the support site is down too so I can't even whine to the sys-admins.

I'm pretty sure 116 is an all-time worst score for any box I've ever seen...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Mac geek stuff 12

Hope this isn't too stupid a question:

I've run an rsync backup of my Mac to an external drive, and now I'm trying to prove to myself that my backup is capable of being externally booted in the case of disaster.

I reboot holding down the option key, and I select my external drive as the boot drive -- then the machine comes up and looks identical, regardless of which drive I boot from.

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
