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Comment What's the point? (Score 1) 299

If we wouldn't recognize a different kind of life on Mars, would we also not recognize it on Earth? We should expect that some kinds of life on Mars have also arrived on Earth several times, and that Earth life has also reached Mars several times. It's unlikely, but there have been quite a few rocks thrown into space from both planets. So maybe the same speculated odd life is already here, but we don't know how to recognize it no matter where it is.

Comment Barsoom (Score 1) 647

I've liked the "Lensman" by E.E. Smith series for some time. It did a good job on the space police genre.
Lately I've been reading the Barsoom series by Edgar Rice Burroughs -- "A Princess of Mars" is the first one, and it's in the public domain. Two days ago, a commercial for March's "John Carter" movie by Disney appeared and the characters are quite recognizable.

Submission + - Ready for your payroll software update? (

SEWilco writes: A federal payroll tax reduction for two months is being pushed by the President. Paying less money to the government seems good, but if the law is changed it will change the payroll taxes in January and February. Here in Slashdot many of us can well imagine what that will do to the many payroll systems which are already programmed with the 2012 tax rates.

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