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Comment Re:If the feds want you they can get you. Learn th (Score 1) 114

"A government cannot be transparent and function as a war machine."

I agree with you completely here. However, at what point should we consider perhaps the role of government is not to be a "war machine" as aggressive and oppressive as that sounds. Maybe it's time we stopped being a war machine and just worried about defending ourselves.

Interesting how you say there may have been in an investigation... which could have been interrupted... but we would never know either if they even cared enough to do anything but file the footage. What they aren't required to do in our government, they won't do. Working in a low level government position, I have kinda seen this first hand.

Lastly, how dare you say I smoke too much pot. Sir, I haven't been smoking any and I'm quite sad about it! :) You should probably be behind legalizing the substance... that is if you want to pacify the people who might actually want a bloody revolution instead.

Comment Next up (Score 1) 114

This only leads to the future cases where clicking on a link... potentially... may be a crime. Will there be a movie about it? Something dealing with the ideas and maybe call them "Pre-link". Sounds along the lines something Cruise would play a part in. "He's about to click a link, quit.. gettem!!!" :-|

Comment Re:If the feds want you they can get you. Learn th (Score 1) 114

Are you serious or just trololo'ing along comment after comment.

A revolution is every 4 years with our "election??" Our revolutionary process is elections?? You've got to be kidding me. There are two choices, and oddly, no matter who you choose, they seem to do the same dumb things that no one approves of, regardless of party. A revolution, my friend, would be removal of the cancer as whole, not injections of new incompetence.

You know, maybe our government wouldn't be so upset about leaks that were so damaging to their image if the those things shouldn't be happening in the first place. We send our military overseas and they document themselves killing civilians, but we are to pay no mind to their actions, but that the leak is "illegal." Come on. IF our government were required to be transparent, I would be willing to guarantee you that it would do less stupid and/or despicable things.

It's interesting to me that you speak of how we shouldn't step up to our government if we do not want to be thrown in jail for any reason or end up dead. You seem well educated... and I appreciate your statements. However, while I respectfully disagree... please note that there are a hell of alot more people than there is government.

Comment Re:failbork (Score 1) 80

Didn't even look. Not because I have facebook blocked with my security appliance here at work, but because I kinda knew that's what was going to happen. To me, if they were going to have defaults voted on... that would be at least a step in the correct direction. For example, if pages were completely closed down by default and you had to go in and specify what type of data you want to share... rather than wide open. In the past, these "privacy" settings I swear change without notice, and I've had info shared just because they changed their options, and I was on them that minute to notice their subtle change. ...... I'm going back to MySpace. I felt a hell of alot safer there. XD

Comment Re:failbork (Score 1) 80

I agree with you, actually. What the hell I was talking about was the illusion that FaceBook may give their population by "voting?" As the comment before stated, do not post anything on facebook that you do not want out there forever. That's partly what I was talking about. The other issue of this ties in with the ownership of content, and how privacy is kinda thrown by the wayside when whatever you post on facebook doesn't technically belong to you anymore. For a time, I didn't use facebook. Now when or if I do, it's for limited communication. I do not "check in", or post undoctored photos. Thanks for your comment though. :)

Comment ermegerdturrrurest (Score 1) 205

To me, if the government is given the ability to call something it isn't in order to get what it wants, it will this section is what concerns me in this fashion: "(a) PRESIDENTIAL NOTIFICATION. - Upon notification to the House and Senate Judiciary Committees, Intelligence Committees and Homeland Security Committees by the President of the United States, or his designee, of an existential threat to the Internet, the President may, for the purposes of addressing this threat, allow agencies to promulgate rules that have otherwise been suspended by this Act." Disagree with me, and you are a "terrorist". Have a nice day /. :)
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