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Comment Re:What!? (Score 1) 658

way to spread the FUD. you are basing your main argument on the exception, not the rule. most shoplifters get charged with a misdemeanor....not felony burglary. the loss prevention worker has input on the charges because they are the ones that call the police and tell them what charges to file. at one point, i stopped an employee that was stealing over $1000 of stuff.... the loss prevention manager didn't want to mess with felony charges, so he told the cops she had stolen under $500.

Comment Re:What!? (Score 2, Interesting) 658

i used to work loss prevention for wally world and what you are saying is total bullshit. maybe in the super-overlegislated state of california, but not in the rest of the country. in TN, it isn't a felony unless it is over $500. everything under that usually gets the sentence of 11 months 29 days probation PLUS court cost an retribution. most shoplifters that i stopped never even bothered to get a lawyer. the rules for the company i was at wouldn't allow you to stop someone if you weren't 100% sure they had stolen something. if you stopped someone and they didn't have what you thought they had, you got written up. 2 write-ups and you were gone.

Comment Re:why would you ... (Score 1) 435

Why do I keep my landline?

DSL My security alarm needs it

your specific one might, but newer ones don't necessarily need a landline. i have an adt system that has cellular service. i pay an extra $3 a month for it. if the box ever loses signal to the cell tower, adt calls me. in the 3 years that i've had the system, it has never lost signal to the cell tower.

Comment Re:Or Whatever the SEC version is. . . (Score 1) 265

it won't last.. it never does. vandy will always be the 2nd team in TN, regardless of what their record is. i live in nashville and can't stand the dores or the vols. in any other conference, vandy would be a contender every year. med and law students just don't have what it takes to compete with the good ole boys that go to all of the other SEC schools.

Comment knife cuts both ways (Score 1) 730

i'm an internal systems engineer and i don't trust the boss to not be doing suspicious stuff on the network. when i started, he was already a domain admin and there's not much i can do to remove those rights. he likes to login to switches, servers, routers, etc and just change settings that he thinks he needs changed, then when shit crashes, i have to go fix it. at one point, he installed some worm on his laptop and our intrusion detection system went crazy. i've also watched our exchange server as he constantly checks everyone's email.............the email checking is for personal gain of covering his own ass. i'm just sitting and waiting for him to make some huge mistake so i can justify removing his domain admin rights. 8)

Comment Re:Where do I begin (Score 1) 582

Secondly, when you start to deal with the nagios error at 2am, send an email saying "I am looking into this now", and when you're done at 3am, send an email saying "All done now, see you at 10, I need my sleep more than ever now!". Screw what other people say, make sure your boss knows every single time you work out of hours via the aforementioned email. Bosses like reading emails that says "Problem fixed." anyway. Also make a note in a log book so you can demonstrate your out of hours company-saving efforts at review time.

ha... i find that most bosses read email in the opposite order. if an issue comes in via email, i fix it and respond that it is fixed. 2 days later, the boss "catches up" on his email and responds to the original email to want to know if it was fixed..........because he is reading the oldest emails first. this seems to be a trend with every IT manager that i've ever had.

outlook needs a threaded email system like gmail has. that way, if there were 10 responses to 1 email, they will all show up as 1 big thread rather than 11 separate emails.

Comment Re:Road signs (Score 1) 519

If you're worried about "what major cities to go through" then you're no longer talking about "local knowledge". I think it's more talking about the fact that people who rely on sat-nav don't generally know the back streets as well as they used to.

if you are getting lost on the backstreets, then maybe you need a backstreet boy.... go here --> http://www.backstreetboys.com/

Comment jailbreak justification (Score 5, Interesting) 376

i have an iphone 3g. i jailbroke as soon as i got it a few months ago because of some stupid restrictions. if apple would remove these restrictions, then i'd have no reason to jailbreak.

#1 - on a standard iphone, you can't change the incoming email alert sound... it is what it is. that means, if you have 10 people in a room and they all have iphones, if anyone gets an email, then everyone will be checking their phones because none of that is customizable.
#2 - on a standard iphone, you are limited to a handful of incoming sms alert sounds.... again, same thing as with email sounds.

the only 2 jailbreak applications that i actually use are the 5 icon dock (with the dockflow theme) and cyntact (an app that allows me to see the pictures of my contacts while they are in the list as opposed to having to open the contact to see the picture).

if apple would alleviate the 2 restrictions about changing sounds, i could live without the 5 icon dock and cyntact. i would have no reason to jailbreak.... and by alleviate, i don't mean to make me buy the sounds off of itunes like they try to make you do with ringtones, which you can get around that by importing m4r files.. 8)

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