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Submission + - Cheaper Flow Batteries Using Vitamins Discovered (

William Robinson writes: Scientists from Harvard University have discovered how to create flow batteries using organic molecules inspired by vitamin B2, which helps store energy from food in the body. With a few tweaks to the original B2 molecule, the scientists discovered a new group of organic molecules that make good candidates for alkaline flow batteries. The result of the discovery was a redox flow battery that demonstrates an open-circuit voltage approaching 1.2V, with a current efficiency of 99.7 percent and a capacity retention over 99.98 percent per cycle.

Submission + - Is US Money To Pakistan Actually Used For Terror? (

An anonymous reader writes: Afghanistan-based portal Tolo News has reported that documents uncovered by Rahmatullah Nabil, former chief of Afghan spy agency — the National Directorate of Security (NDS) — show that the money provided by the US government to the Pakistani military for fighting terrorism is in fact spent by Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) for promoting and supporting terrorism.

Submission + - UDS Releases Images. 250,000+ Galaxies Found in Deep Space. (

William Robinson writes: The UDS Project (Ultra Deep Survey), part of UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey, have recently released the final data providing spectacular infrared images of the distant Universe have provided astronomers with the deepest view ever obtained. The UDS mapped a total area four times the size of full moon and detected over 250,000 galaxies, including several hundred observed within the first billion year after Big Bang. This was done since 2005 by observing the same patch of sky repeatedly, obtaining more than 1,000 hours of exposure time and utilizing the power of infrared to provide the deepest view ever obtained over a large area in the sky,

Submission + - 3D X-ray Scans Reveal Details Of World's Oldest Known Analog Computer (

William Robinson writes: Antikythera mechanism, the 2,100-year-old mechanism recovered from a shipwreck off the Greek island of Antikythera, was used track the phases of the moon, the position of the sun and moon through the zodiac, the position of the planets, and to predict eclipses. Many of the recovered fragments of the device contain ancient Greek text, mostly unreadable due to corrosion. Over the past decade, new imaging techniques like 3D X-ray scans have provided clearer images of these inscriptions, revealing new details about the device’s function. "It's like a textbook of astronomy as it was understood then, which connected the movements of the sky and the planets with the lives of the ancient Greeks and their environment." said Alexander Jones from New York University. This high-tech relic, which looks like an old clock with bronze gears, was discovered to have been used thousands of years ago to calculate astronomical events and other happenings in space.

Comment Re:Fuck you (Score 1) 1592

Because, maybe this could as well be end of EU as whole. Or maybe split of UK. And finally it affects how companies in US are going to do business with them. Changes in laws, changes in trade agreements, fine for monopolistic approaches....everything changes. Hell the Dow futures are down 4%. Asian markets have melted. Sterling is down 10% and down are many currencies. It affects entire world. It affects the way US will export and do business.

Maybe you are only interested in knowing how Ballmer scratches his ass, but I certainly think this is relevant news to us.

Submission + - India Places 20 Satellites In Space Using Single Rocket (

William Robinson writes: India's ISRO used its workhorse PSLV-C34 to inject 20 satellites, which includes 17 satellites from various countries like US, Canada, Germany and Indonesia. In the final stages of the mission, ISRO also demonstrated the vehicle's capability to place satellites in different orbits. In the demonstration, the vehicle reignited twice after its fourth and final stage and moved further a few kilometres into another orbit. Also included are couple of satellites from academic institutes, Sathyabamasat from Sathyabhama University, Chennai and Swayam from College of Engineering, Pune.

Submission + - India to Test Reusable Launch Vehicle (

William Robinson writes: India will use a mini-rocket with a booster to fly a winged reusable launch vehicle into lower earth orbit on May 23 for demonstrating the technology. Called as RLV-TD, a nine meter 1.7-tonne will be launched from Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota. If everythig goes well, it will reach about 70 km from the earth, and will plunge into the Bay of Bengal. This flight is using dummy vehicle to demonstrate hypersonic and aero-thermo dynamics of the winged re-entry vehicle with autonomous mission management to land after passing through very high temperatures during re-entry.

Submission + - Blue Galaxy Found. A Test For Big Bang.

William Robinson writes: Astronomers at Indiana University recently have detected a faint blue dwarf galaxy which can be used as a medium to test the Big Bang Theory. Nicknamed Leoncino, meaning the little lion, the AGC 198691 galaxy is the most metal poor one among the list of discovered galaxies until now. Therefore, Leoncino can be used as a time capsule that will give scientists more insight into the conditions that prevailed right after the creation of the Universe. A metal poor galaxy is in a chemical state similar to the early Universe and it could help contribute to a quantitative test of the Big Bang. The current accepted model of the start of the universe makes clear predictions about the amount of helium and hydrogen present during the Big Bang, and the ratio of these atoms in metal-poor galaxies provides a direct test of the model. The story is covered here too.

Submission + - Black Hole Mass Calculated with Highest Precision

William Robinson writes: Scientists have used the Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) of telescopes in Chile's Atacama Desert to calculate the mass of black hole, at the center of a galaxy called NGC 1332. It is estimated to be 660 million times the mass of our sun. Using ALMA, astronomers have been able to zoom in at the center to get a high-precision view of the swirling gases around the central supermassive black hole. Knowing the distance of the gas cloud from the black hole and using ALMA to clock its speed, a highly precise measurement of the black hole’s mass could be made. The black hole is 73 million light years away from Earth.

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