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Comment Re:It's not that simple of a question (Score 1) 414

Are you really calling for the brainwashing of an entire nation?

Are you so benighted as to overlook that fact that a population has been brainwashed?

I didn't know we were discussing the GOP here, I thought we were talking about Palestinians.

Ohhhh, sick burn.

the approval rating for Hamas in Gaza is actually very very low


Comment Re:No on believes you (Score 1) 24

Your conspiracy about the military

  1. I have no "conspiracy" about the military. Maybe you need a new word? Nah, hold the dirty diaper you've got.
  2. The military is a shambles. We veterans know this. We talk. These kids are wildly out of shape, but they've had their pronoun training!
  3. Making some pedantic argument about year-on-year recruiting numbers, while sensible from an academic view, I suppose, is really stuck in foopid from a real-wold perspective. Keep it up. Makes your butt look big.

Comment Re:we the people do have power (Score 1) 55

There will be no improvement until we realize the substantial degree to which our system has drifted toward aristocracy with a two-party facade.

The need for reform is substantial, but all we get from you is a Polyanna complacency. And no, Trump does not look like a reformer. His term wasn't as bad as I figured it would be, or it was worse in different ways. And the hormonal release of a second term could be entertaining, albeit briefly. But if we don't attack the root/rot causes, then it's moot.

Comment Re:It's all Communism (Score 1) 19

In defense of Gaza, managing an economy ain't beanbag. Saw this in Afghanistan, a similar enough bombed-out gravel heap since the Soviet invasion ~1980 that the comparison may be fair.

One needs (for starters) natural resources, security, educated workers, reliable governance, and infrastructure to run a modern economy. And those need to happen in parallel.

One can blame Israel for everything (and they do), or one can decide that one is going opt for something different.

Despite copious piles of aid over decades, the Gazans have chosen the former.

Quick: what is the ethnically Arab population of Israel? How are those people faring?

Comment Re:It's all Communism (Score 1) 19

They have been holding Palestinians in forced poverty for years.

While this may be a pretext for atrocities that seem to fascinate you and Your Team, it's also untrue. Vast resources have been poured over years into these areas, but you can't seem to be bothered to notice the illicit uses to which those resources have been put. Your Team needs to come clean if it ever wants to be taken seriously.

Comment Re:It's not that simple of a question (Score 1) 414

Are you really calling for the brainwashing of an entire nation?

Are you so benighted as to overlook that fact that a population has been brainwashed? Possibly you're a bit "brain-rinsed", yourself, given your strange comfort level with the racism (specifically, anti-Semitism) on offer.

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