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Comment Re:Someone start a defense fund (Score 1) 955

well, if the crime is uncovering crime, then I call him a hero. It looks like he was stuck between upholding the constitution and following an obligation to protect classified material. If that classified material is completely counter to everything that the country is supposed to stand for, then it should be revealed. Tough choice, and a brave man.

Comment Re:what's torture? (Score 1) 768

this is exactly my point, it would become a crime. It would be very easy for years of law to twist things to the point that not answering a question would be a crime. We are protected from this because of the 5th. It may not be the detail, but it is the foundation

Comment Re:I'm sure XBox won't record our conversations... (Score 1) 581

and Obama ran an election campaign explicitly stating that he would disable these mechanisms...

Dont just blame republicans, or the other guy, whoever that may be. Both of these groups see the advantages in creating laws that could be stepped all over like this. There is no opposition in congress to the president on these types of issues, as both are happy to support things for when it is their turn. You can keep believing in whatever partisan debates and issues that are thrown out there for you to feel like the other side is the bad guy, but pay attention to the last time either side did something that actually limited the govt in general, or suppported the population in general. There is plenty of bi-partisan support on plenty of issues, those just dont get paraded around.

Comment Re:Crime isn't what concerns me (Score 2) 309

You are missing out on the case of many people recording. One person can edit things, or miss things, or even CG something... if anything is wrong about this that the police would like to make public, the other 15 cameras that may be there could clear things up. If the only version being allowed is owned and edited by the police, then we have the exact same situation, with a far more nefarious motive.

Journalistic integrity is a modern concept. The original journals and papers were slanted hacks trying to support a viewpoint. FOX and MSNBC are a return to the original styles of professionals, and the public using facebook/youtube/reddit is just the same as in the days of the founders, but with technology that makes dessimination simpler.

Comment Re:Reckless Cops (Score 1) 302

so what we have is "some guys were obviously up to something" , as the crime being investigated. I would like to know exactly what it was. When a group of police charge into a group of gang members who are on probation, there is a high likelihood that the gang members will react in a negative way. They may have been mugging old ladies, or they may have been just sitting around talking. Testosterone takes over on both sides, and a firefight breaks out. Again, did this need to happen? We will only know when the original reason that the police decided to engage the group is releases.

I am not saying that these guys are innocent, or didnt need to be arrested for whatever they were doing, but the end result is a completely unrelated innocent person has died do to the processes being followed by the police. Maybe they were saving someone else, maybe they just instigated a crime by looking hard enough.

Comment Re:facebook is an american company (Score 1) 559

I have a hard time imagining the parents really arguing all of this in front of a judge anyhow. It is facebook having a contract with their child without their knowledge, it is their child being drunk and in a bad state without their knowledge ( or guidance ), it is their child using the internet in ways that they do not have knowledge of...

At some point the parents are responsible for raising the child.

Comment Re:Consoles aren't profitable? (Score 1) 316

So I see some people breaking the Xbox division up and saying that the "games" portion of the device isnt making money, then we have this post where now the entire branding ( using a marketing department that is a company wide expense ) trying to show every dime that has ever been spent on xbox. Of course, using this logic, the xbox is a failed platform.

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The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
