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Comment Re:Faith in God (Score 1) 299

All the things you mention are not born out of religious faith. They are born out of organized religious groups (churchs, etc.) that twist people's faith to their advantage.

If you want to hate someone because they believe there is a spiritual being that pulls the strings of the world, well that's being bigoted against a person that has beliefs that can't be proven.

If you want to hate someone because they preach about the sins of other groups/religions and promote violence and attacks on those groups, that is fine.

The fine line is that many people that speak like you do go beyond hating the people that use religion to promote violence and hate, and start hating people just because they believe in something that you don't believe in.

Comment Re:So What (Score 1) 454

Rather than patronizingly talking down to me like this, try to understand where I'm coming from. I'm not talking about crimes that have victims here, like robbery and murder. Preventing those is legitimately within the purpose of having a government and a society. I'm talking about the wrong of trying to dictate lifestyles, of trying to micromanage the way others live based not on crimes but on approval. It's not terribly different from dictating to people what they may read, listen to, watch, and discuss.

I still hold by my position that society has been trying to dictate the way people live their lives for thousands of years not based solely on crimes with victims but by a persons behavior as well. Etiquette, morality, traditional gender roles, fraternal groups, religious organizations. There have always been groups of people that pressure others to conform. People on the outside are treated poorly. I'm not saying that this is how things should be.

Your comment said trying to control other people's lives was profoundly anti-social. I'm telling you this is the essence of what social organization is. The best you can do is find a social group that has similar beliefs and behaviors to your own.

Comment Re:Reinstate the Prohibition (Score 1) 454

Really only if you consider eating too much and not being able to handle the intense high ODing on it. I generally consider an overdose to be a life threatening situation, as in actually life threatening, not that you believe you're dying.

Really, this problem wouldn't be so bad if people didn't consume normal brownies in massive quantities. If you just ate a normal amount of the pot brownies you'd be less likely to have this issue.

Comment Re:So What (Score 1) 454

I don't care if you drink yourself to an early grave.
I don't care if you smoke yourself to an early grave.
I don't care if you eat yourself to an early grave.

"I don't care if you live or die..."

This is all about more gov control, taxes, regulation to protect us from ourselves.

"...but I do think you should listen to my opinion."

Well, at least you gave us fair warning! Antisocial people are, paradoxically, the first to give their opinion on how the world should be run.

There's nothing more profoundly anti-social than trying to control other people and force them to live only the way that you want them to.

Perhaps you've just heard of this thing called society. It has been all about conforming to social norms with punishments for doing tabboo things for thousands of years now. The only real changes have been what is a norm and what is a tabboo.

Comment Re:So....far more than guns (Score 1) 454

Because people have responsibilities. Or do you think that orphans never happen from suicides? Or that there isn't also a risk to others in that household? I mean, come on.

There are countless children that never met their father even though he is alive and well somewhere. Countless more that have slight recollections of a parent from when they were young and before they left their lives. People don't follow through on their responsibilities and you can't force someone to raise their children properly. Is it really worse for a child to be orphaned because their parent killed themself with a gun, than to be orphaned because their parent just left?

Comment Re:Thanks for pointing out the "briefly" part. (Score 1) 461

and have insolation levels similar to Alaska; you can't just compare countries' prices directly like that.

You can't compare insolation levels like that either. comparisons of Germany to Alaska insolation levels are over an entire year. During that year, there are parts of Alaska with days that are under a few hours, and parts of the year where there is constant sunshine. The time of the year in Alaska that people need energy the most is in the dark cold winter, but that is precisely when there is little to no sun at all. If storing solar energy for the night is a hard problem, imagine trying to store it for the winter.

Comment Re:Thanks for pointing out the (Score 1) 461

a wide variety of sources? You mean Kazakhstan or Canada. They control just over 50% of worldwide Uranium production. Australia, Namibia and Niger have the next 25%. Then you have Russia, Uzbekistan, and the US. That's really it. Full list here

Of course Canada and Australia (the US too, but they're at 3% of the market and probably use most of it internally) would most likely not have any problems selling Uranium to Germany in the future

Comment Re:Haha, nobody will do this. (Score 4, Insightful) 208

I don't mind these companies making money, but they do it at the expense of loyal customers, rather than in support of them... I don't think it's a good long-term practice, but that's just me.

Funny thing is your average hard drug dealer does the same thing. They make money at the detriment of their loyal customers. They know they'll keep coming back because they are horribly addicted and have nothing else to do. If they eventually do lose a customer, they find a new crowd of young customers that haven't gone through the cycle as many times to get jaded.

Comment Re:Thanks for the tip! (Score 1) 448

Much better examples of red flags.You're right those are all bad signs. I also think it's interesting that he mentioned Freescale first and it didn't come into existence until 20 years after he started in the field.

I certainly wouldn't give him any money, but then again I don't give money to any kickstarter projects. I think its best use is for more arts and media focused projects. Movies, games, and other consumable content. People have been trying to use it as a replacement for angel investing for technical products and that is ripe for scamming.

Comment Re:Thanks for the tip! (Score 1) 448

If you can't come back with at least one example of a red flag you might want to work on your communication skills.

Seriously, a guy asks you what you are seeing that are red flags to a scam, and all you basically say is that if he can't see them that's his problem.

I don't really see much in that link you posted. Other than his odd explanation for not having much of an online presence it sounds legit.

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