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Comment Re:A Review? (Score 1) 371

That wouldn't even be a feature on windows, it would be a disaster, because my 70 year old aunt would accidentally remove something important, not be sure what it was, and call me to find out how to fix it. All the people in my office would remove things, want them back, and not be able to find them. Etc.

Yes. Nearly half the support calls I get from older acquaintances and family are because they incidentally moved or hide some menu bar, icon or whatnot and can't for the life of them find it again. Performing a couple clicks or a mere click-n-drag to correct the issue just astounds them, and they'd tell me it seems so easy they'll do fine again, only to get a call from them months later about the same issue. If I already have enough calls for this kind of help with previous versions of Windows, the last thing I'd want is more of it.

Comment Re:Part-Time Professors (Score 1) 239

Verily. That's kind of why I skimmed past mentioning about grades specifically in my wording and referred to other elements like classroom ethics. Professors will look beyond the scores they give their students and will take into consideration their presentation. If the student is willing to show a professional attitude in the classroom, they will most certainly display it in the workplace.

Comment Part-Time Professors (Score 1) 239

Myself, including others I've known, have been able to get into positions otherwise inaccessible through asking our professors about any potential job openings at their other employers. Part-time professors commonly are not just being a professor for fun and working as a McDonalds manager for pay; they typically have job titles that reflect what they teach in class, and that means they have the position to put people in places, or at least have a strong enough reputation at their job to give their recommendation of you plenty of weight.

Of course this all matters only if you've been responsible and showed a level of excellence in your classes that won't cause them to hesitate to think twice about recommending you at their other job. I'm sure the last thing they want is to tarnish their name by placing a student in a job position who ends up being sour. To be honest, I personally believe being able to utilize your classroom ethics to get directly into a job position greatly excels in value beyond what you may garner from the degree you receive at the end. Human relationships outclass any diploma, and word is often times weightier than paper.

Comment RSI/CTS Concerns? (Score 1) 223

I've been ever eager to get back into mechanical keyboards, but I realize I'm already getting to the point where I'm suffering slight wrist issues, and I'm worried the increased tension and key stroke depth from mechanical keyboards would only exacerbate the problem. Am I correct in this assumption?

Comment Re:The tobacco industry... (Score 1) 125

Incorrect about lung capacity; they do not increase it. Rather, they slowly wither away the lungs, causing the body to adapt to the new changes and therefore conform by retrieving oxygen from other varied sources (e.g. cigarettes). It's the biggest reason why cigarettes are the preferred remedy for those suffering from asthma.

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