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Comment Re:is it shipping to customers ? (Score 1) 394

Some laws are worth less than friend, even shady friends...
ex: Let's assume that a friend confess to me that he raped a girl last weekend, I would denounce him without a hint of hesitation. Now imagine that he confessed that last weekend he was snorting cocaine on some prostitutes ass; I would not call the cops, would you ?

Comment Re:Certified dumb for school use? (Score 3, Interesting) 245

I am really, really, really bad at organization and business.
The entire math curriculum was design around the limitation of that calculator. Also it helped that most problems that the calculator was unable to solve by itself had a methodical solution taught in the textbook.
So for the problems where the calculator was able to compute the correct answer, I would compute and pretty print the intermediary step backward from there. For the few problems that were beyond the calculator reach I would compute a lot of discriminants, keep the one that matched a known solutions family then I would extract the meaningful coefficient and pretty print the solution with the test used.Since that software was written on the ti-92 keyboard procrastinating instead of drilling myself with math problems in the directed exercise portion of the math classes.

Comment Re:Certified dumb for school use? (Score -1, Troll) 245

Students need a calculator that is "dumb enough" to not write the entire exam for them.

The dumb one are quite intelligent nonetheless... For all my 1st year engineering math classes I built a software that actually did write the entire exam answer on a ti-92. It was wizard based so you only needed to select the problem type and type the equation. I had an A+ in all math classes so it worked quite well but since I was bragging about my edge, the professors there begged me not to share my software. They could not legally compel me to do so but they begged a lot since they would have to redo the entire math curriculum for that particular engineering school, I told them that I would not share my edge until I graduated and luckily for them, a virus built-into a game erased my calculator during a particularity boring chemistry class. That virus/game would format the flash memory of the calculator when you defeated the final boss. To add insult to injury, I had to train quite a bit to be able to defeat that boss (around 75Hr)....

Comment Re:And for all of us who prefer RPN? (Score 4, Insightful) 245

for me RPN, LISP and FORTH are the same in that regard: instead of coding, you built the parse tree explicitly the way you wanted it to be, not the way the interpreter/compiler decide to interpret your code. You do not think about operator precedence and evaluation order, you explicitly formulate it the way you want it to be evaluated and event tough it seems like that explicitation should increase the cognitive load its most good programmers that I know found that it decrease it... Now, rightfully, you could ask why... and to that question I have no answer.

Comment Re:Maybe (Score 1) 878

ot smoking (a popular recreational drug) has been shown to impede the creation of short term memory.

It is way more complex than that: Short term memory is like a pool of chunks of information. A typical person have a pool size of 7. Pot effect on short term memory can be modeled as frequently removing one random item from the pool. The number of items removed and it's frequency is a function of the individual, the quantity, quality and variety of the cannabis.

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