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Comment Re:It's obscene not to mention vax mandates (Score 1) 128

You don't get to make other people's health decisions for them. They are entitled to informed consent.

Yes, we do, going all the way back to G. Washington. Either protect your fellow citizens or get the fuck out of the country. Well established law Quote Scalia "The Constitution is not a suicide pact"

Nah. You are supporting authoritarianism and parroting Pfizer marketing. That stuff isn't based on science. The vaccines haven't stopped the spread as promised, even in areas that had a high percentage of vaccination.

The vaccines haven't worked as well as we hoped, and they have caused more injuries and deaths than expected. People who opt out are making a very reasonable decision. You are lying when you claim otherwise. And the mandates should frankly result in hanging for the mandators when they cause injury and death. That's not anything new, it's Neuremburg. I know you hate hearing that, possibly because in your heart you know you are partly guilty in propping up an absurd and harmful charade.

Comment Re:It's obscene not to mention vax mandates (Score 1) 128

I agree that vaccine mandates should be reconsidered in light of Omicron being more virulent and less deadly, and the vaccines being less effective against Omicron.

It would be interesting to me to hear how you feel any covid mRNA therapy mandates are ethical given that there are zero long term safety studies. Thoughts on that, or will you dismiss it with a boring dodge via appeal to authority like others have when I brought the issue up? (Sorry for my somewhat punchy tone, but you are defending firing people, i.e. destroying families' livelihoods, so I think you should have thick enough skin to be challenged.)

That said, I think that anti-vax sentiment is foolhardy people looking to die on a hill (often literally when it came to Delta) just to say they stood up to tyranny, because they're too stupid to realize Facebook, iOS and Android are greater threats to them than a public health mandate against an airborne virus is.

I'm so sick of people whining about a shot that was very effective against OG/Delta COVID, which is much safer than OG/Delta COVID, but because they don't "get" mRNA vaccines and Tucker Carlson told them it's bad, they risk their lives to be a part of an astroturf insurgency.

You don't get to make other people's health decisions for them. They are entitled to informed consent. Just because you buy what Pfizer is selling doesn't mean they have to. There are ZERO long term safety studies, and you claiming some kind of scientific assurance of safety amounts to lying in my view. Sorry, that's just what it is. You are smart enough to realize I am right about this if you do the math.

The number of deaths WITH covid versus FROM covid were inflated too much in 2020, and the number of deaths shortly after the "vax" have been severely undercounted, but are still startling in the VAERS system. Those who deny this are intentionally or unintentionally doing the bidding of Pfizer, not serving public health.

Comment Re:Vaccine mandate? (Score 1) 128

That omission makes me mad. If I wasn't a lazy Slashdot reader I would follow the link to see if the ellipses denote more detailed treatment of the likely causes of these job losses/exits. However I maintain a deep and abiding faith in the summaries posted here (when I can be bothered to read them before commenting) always being all-encompassing and fully inclusive of nuance. /joke

Comment It's obscene not to mention vax mandates (Score 0) 128

Many of these people didn't want to quit their jobs. They were healthy people being kicked out and having their livelihoods destroyed by heavy handed vax mandates. Such mandates were/are also based on compliance with authoritarianism, not on science or health safety. It will be one of the biggest things history books will talk about related to the covid pandemic (and overreaction). For example: fresh natural immunity from having had covid is treated as no immunity at all, and isn't sufficient to avoid taking a shot with zero long term safety studies that doesn't even work against current covid variants.

Science, my posterior. These people can take their fascist bunk and stuff it up where the sun don't shine. In case it wasn't obvious, I am a little emotionally perturbed by these events. Haven't lost my job myself, but I am very angry about how these people have been (mis)treated.

Comment Re:A "pledge" means absolutely dick all (Score 1) 81

Especially in the USA where each new president signs a bunch of international agreements to great fanfare, but our constitution explicitly says they are non binding unless ratified by the Senate, so the next one feels free to ditch them - again, frequently to great fanfare from their own political party.

Comment Re:Spinning at every opportunity? (Score 1) 81

(Why are western bias sneaking in on every international news?)

Not sure why you call that a western bias. If you lived in Ukraine or Taiwan the threat of military invasion would affect your life, no? Does it show a "western bias" even to talk about this stuff? Are you claiming that Russia and China aren't gearing up for invasions?

Comment They won't get anything (Score 1) 65

Klyushin won't say anything, either on the insider trading stuff or on leaking of Kremlin secrets. He will hire expensive American lawyers who will do all the talking for him. There will be a trial, either he will walk or be convicted, and the slow roll of American criminal justice will continue through the appeals as necessary.

I know people have been hoping for some kind of ex machina reveal that would once and for all expose Trump as a Russian colluder. At this point it's just a marker of the TDS afflicted. If you want to indict somebody who broke the law relative to the Russia hoax, you really need to be interviewing people from Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama's circles, not to mention the deep state jerks and liars like Kevin Clinesmith and Andrew McCabe.

Comment Build pipelines and issue reproducibility (Score 1) 145

Especially in a media heavy title designed to run on specific hardware it may be a very involved process figuring out the best way to repro and test a fix. Without reading the article (because this is Slashdot, after all), I am speculating that has a lot to do with this EA team's slow pace.

Comment Re:Just demand the source code in court or you mus (Score 2) 36

Unfortunately, courts frequently are deferential to perceived authorities. Similar to how a writer for the NYT can disclose leaked private info and they are considered a journalist with special privileges to inform the public, whereas somebody with Wikileaks disclosing a bunch of politicians' offshore accounts is presumed to be merely a private person acting dubiously. No difference in law, just perceived authority. "I've got a Press Pass(tm)!"

Comment Re:Trying too hard (Score 1) 224

Not running on Windows would be a start.

You're not wrong, however I am amused by those who bash Edge and choose Chrome. As evil empires go, Google has more in common than different from Microsoft. They are one of the most giant corporate influences on government, and personal privacy is like Kryptonite to them.

Comment Trying too hard (Score 2) 224

Microsoft has done a good job of dumping everything in IE that made it universally despised by the web developer community. Edge is a decent browser. But they need to attract users to Edge through desirable features and performance, and not try to pressure them. That is not going to work, and will just result in embarrassing news coverage like this.

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