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Comment Re:Profit! (Score 0) 161

True. A sort of reverse on this was popular in the early 90s where gov/com entities in restricted countries would form ShellCo GMBH which would in turn own ShellCo LLC in London and in turn ShelCo Ltd in Maryland. The Ltd would approach small fry resellers of Sun, SGI or other "high power" computing (at the time) gear and place a large volume order at retail pricing.

Comment Never fails to amaze me (Score 0) 243

How many people here commenting about labels, contracts and bands and what "should" be who obviously have never actually done anything in the field, never played a show, never toured, never been on either side of the table for a recording contract and obviously never been in a studio.

Comment Re:And to think there are people starving to death (Score 0) 74

Unfortunately the Japan Red Cross has a terrible track record of actually getting money/aid where it is needed both in terms of time and of overhead. There are many other more effective places if you are interested in donating towards Tohoku relief. Second Harvest Japan and Japan Jewish Relief have both been very effective in this area from nearly day 1.

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If a 6600 used paper tape instead of core memory, it would use up tape at about 30 miles/second. -- Grishman, Assembly Language Programming
