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Comment HAHAHAHAHAHAHA (Score 1, Funny) 103

I guess Google couldn't live without it's 25% market share in China. Clearly it needs the cash. We don't need Google, but Google needs us, and that's a fact.

All you morons who thought Google would actually cause China to cave and not the other way around, how does that crow taste?

Also, what a retarded article summary, clearly if they didn't follow our laws we were going to kick them out of China, the "concrete action" the summary refers to. The implicit threat of this was obviously enough for them to cave. Again, we don't need Google, but Google needs us.

Experts Closing In On Google Attack Coders 141

ancientribe writes "The targeted attacks out of China that hit Google, Adobe, and other US organizations are still ongoing and have affected many more companies than the original 20 to 30 reported. Security experts now say they are getting closer to identifying the author or authors of the malware used to breach Google and other organizations."

Comment Hillary the China-Hater strikes again (Score 0, Troll) 235

How will she backpedal this time after we make menacing statements on how reliable we think T-Bonds are? How will Obama clean up her mess?

If you want to get real progress on the real issues between China and the United States (i.e. NOT HUMAN RIGHTS), keep Hillary out of it. We'd like to discuss and make progress on those issues but not when Hillary the irrational China-Hater is out there spewing garbage about "human rights".

Comment If by "corporate espionage" (Score 1) 515

you mean "couldn't outcompete Baidu", then you'd be right. Google is taking its ball and going home because they lost to Baidu. Watch Google pretend to be in favor of "human rights" when the issue is just that they lost in a capitalistic competition.

On a related note Hillary Clinton is an irrational China-hater. Watch Obama have to discreetly disavow what she says and end up making it up to us. If you want to actually get anything done with us rather than just pontificate for the sake of pleasing the China-hating segment of the electorate, then keep Hillary out of it.

Comment Enemy of my enemy is my friend? (Score 1, Troll) 253

Funny how the Cold War "enemy of my enemy is my friend" train of thought induces supposed defenders of freedom and liberty (i.e. Americans and the West) to support a brutal dictator (the Dalai Lama) who would impose slavery, poverty, and theocracy on Tibet and its people, and who would try his damnedest sell out Tibet to the British just so he can continue lording and abusing the area as his personal fiefdom. Also, I didn't know Apple had to pay in grade school directors for following Chinese laws.

Comment Meanwhile (Score 1) 409

Your president is in China discussing REAL issues, like the trade deficit, trade protectionism, the massive Chinese holdings in USD and the repeated buying of American debt by China. All while staying as far away as possible from "human rights".

Face it, nobody cares about human rights, and as much as the Western media likes to blow them out of proportion it was never a real issue and now even your leadership acknowledges it.

Comment Re:Wow, that's impressive (Score 1) 139

If Americans were REALLY interested in the welfare of Chinese people, they'd allow free trade with China. Oh wait, oops, this will cause American manufacturing to completely collapse. Can't do that then.

News flash, people in China don't care about "human rights" nearly as much as how well off they are economically. As long as you use "human rights" as the stick in your left hand while the protectionism/economic imperialism stick in your right hand is waving menacingly nobody will listen to your propaganda about "human rights", especially in China. It is clear that you are simply trying to render our country impoverished and we won't take it unlike in the past. We aren't even bringing up how hypocritical the Americans are with their "human rights" promoting as they undermine elections and prop up brutal dictators because it suits their interests.

Comment Re:Power hungry money grubbing grab-asses (Score 1) 128

The fact that this comment is moderated insightful is quite indicative of the ridiculous anti-China bias present in all Western countries and promulgated by all Western media. Perhaps it's because we are out-competing you in the global economy, perhaps it is some fear of "communism", perhaps it is straight up racism.

It's really easy to seem insightful when in reality you're spewing garbage if you're surrounded by people who agree with you.

I can tell you with certainty after living in both China and the USA that the denizens of neither country care about China's "human rights". "Human rights" is simply a sort of straw man for the Americans to beat on, the real objection the Americans have is that they don't like the trade deficit and would rather see China impoverished, Chinese competitors erased, and manufacturing and tech jobs back in America. People in China don't care about freedoms if the government can guarantee their economic well being, on which progress isn't uniform but is there. Real complaints about the government from within China always result when someone is getting cheated out of money or property, perhaps due to government red tape or corruption.

Comment Re:Quality of life (Score 1) 757

Right, so because you're a well off WASP, you can stand in your Ivory Tower and be your sanctimonious self pretending like you somehow have some higher moral ground, while your compatriots discriminate against Asians, stunting their career advancement, paying them less than whites, laying them off first in an economic crisis, etc, and now you're surprised when our home countries welcome us back with open arms and give us great well-paying job opportunities as well, and so we decide to leave?

I'll bet you the panhandler on the street and the guy that just got laid off couldn't care less about human rights and personal liberty. If China offered them a permanent well paying job and an apartment, they'll go. Of course there is no incentive for us to pay random bums, we're past the era of doing completely unproductive things just to score political points.

Comment This thread is all American imperialist propaganda (Score 1, Flamebait) 456

News flash, the Chinese government serves the interests of the Chinese people, not yours. The governments of other countries around the world exist to serve and protect their own people, not to serve and protect American interests. It seems that most American have forgotten that and expect every government to be an American shill. We refuse to be your shill.

Speaking of capitalism and free trade, you're all for it when you are crushing nascent industries in underdeveloped regions like Africa to ensure that your industries will have free reign to sell stuff there, but when a country like us can actually compete with you, or possibly even out-compete you, you cry foul and demand protectionism. Free trade is only good when America gets the advantage, it seems.

Speaking of corrupt and autocratic governments, your government is nowhere near clean of corruption, and you have never shown any compunction to support autocratic and corrupt governments when they serve your interests; I don't think I need to bring up all the Cold War examples but if you want an example of today, look no further than the PLO Palestinian authority government and Karzai's Afghan government.

American imperialism and hypocrisy is on full display in this thread.

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