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Comment Re:A Clear Violation of the 4th Amendment? (Score 0) 133

People who predate the invention of the telephone do in fact sit on the bench.

According to Wikipedia that earliest public demonstration of Alexander Graham Bell telephone was in June 1876. While it's true that US Supreme Court judges are appointed for life I am not aware of any that are currently over the age of 135.

Comment Re:And there's the problem with a "curated" appsto (Score 0) 794

They got themselves into this mess by imposing editorial control over the iPhone in the first place. They made their bed, now they get to lie in it.
This is the real problem I have with Apple and the fact that they control whatever content gets loaded to what they see as "their" devices. I miss the days when just anyone with programming knowledge could write a program to run on a computer. Today's hardware is far too locked down and protected by draconian DRM and similar "laws." Apple and similar companies seem to think that they are leasing hardware rather than selling it.

Comment What is the logs just disappeared? (Score 0) 293

Is the following scenario plausible?

Sometime close to midnight some newbie in the Twitter IT department is tasked with copying the data to a CD ROM for the Feds:.

$cd TwitterLogsWithEvidence
$mv TwitterLogsWithEvidence /TempDirectory (Probably should have used the "cp" command.)

Backgound system runs daily system clean-up routine and all data in /TempDirectory is deleted. (oops)

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