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Comment Re:And worse, with random abbreviations (Score 2) 642

While I understand your point of view, most of these things can be changed. Many of my user programs go in a ~/bin folder. I can have aliases for ls (in fact I do; I am ware that it still means that ls is the actual command). I rarely ever mount stuff at /mnt, just because it is a plain old directory, with no particular implications.
Again, I kind of agree with you, but that isn't different to Windows. Your personal stuff is in the registry, in the My Documents folder (which has been changing name recently, besides splitting itself), in the Application Data folder (hidden and now split in three), in the Local Data folder (again, split in whatnot) and a bunch of other crap. It's mostly the same in these OSes -- what happens is that most of us got used to using Windows and learned their way of trying to think.

Comment Re:"Linux Command Line Tirckery" HA! (Score 2) 642

Exactly, much like you have to pay to use closed, inherently unsafe, monopolist and overly priced shitty OS with an ever more arcane API. The good thing about it is that it has been mostly the same API and mostly the same technique to force users to use that OS. If it weren't for that, then Windows would have died a long time ago.

Comment Re:"Linux Command Line Tirckery" HA! (Score 1) 642

More like the majority of the 90% of people that were forced to use and learn to use Windows computers. Much like you were forced to speak and understand your language, not others. The difference is that one of the things was free and constructive, while the other was mostly an attempt at getting in your pockets.

Comment Re:"Linux Command Line Tirckery" HA! (Score 2) 642

Like many have pointed out, if you get used to it and know it, it's intuitive. As an analogy, I have a friend who grew up with Linux, so whenever he reached Windows he had the same criticism, because he had to memorize all the clicks here and there, besides interpreting the arcane translations and dubious time estimates, etc, etc, etc.
Furthermore, even though they are "3rd party", many simple applications do that with ease and without having to be tied up to a crappy monopolist OS.

Comment Re:Slashdot double standards (Score 1) 432

I did not deny that at all. Whaat I am saying is that these are not "double-standards". When copyright is brought up and bashed, it's because a company wants to make (usually too much) money from it. When GPL comes up it's because...a company wants to make money abusing GPL...or something similar.

Comment Re:iOS now has more marketshare than Android (Score 0) 238're mad because you hang out in slashdot?'re mad because open-source can have some triumph?'re mad because there are people out there who believe in supporting a cause?'re mad because a site with a high density of Linux users seems to support Linux some more?'re mad because Microsoft isn't paying you?
So...what the fuck is up in your fucking twisted mind?

Comment Re:This was predicted to happen two years ago (Score 1) 238

Punished? You call that punishment? I'm not saying google is innocent at all, I'm just saying the big fat bastards at Microsoft weren't punished in a meaningful way. And, for the record, I have installed 5 windows machines and have never seen the "browser ballot". Nor did I see it in existing machines.

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