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Comment It' sssssimple math. (Score 1) 665

IE is popular because it's per-installed with windows & people are lazy. Chrome is popular because it's pushed on every Google site. Plus everyone wants a bit of that Google magic on their computer to no? Firefox market share is increasing because it's advertised on.... & pre-installed on....... lol you get the point. Blaming any feature itself for firefox's decreasing market share is simply just a lazy mental model, mixed with a bit of he-said, she-said & anyone but me is to blame.

Comment It's very simple (Score 1) 375

It's real simple, If you don't like Apple's policies don't use or buy their products (that's called being a man). instead you bitch on your Macbook Pro's about how they are mistreating the employees & make a stand on an internet messaging board. If Microsoft pulled the shit Apple is right now they would have been anti-trusted into bankruptcy... drink the kool aid BTW, I used a mac to post this.

Comment here's my non-infornative post (Score 1) 428

I stored zip'd photos of my kids in the "cloud" or megaupload & I paid for the premium service to keep them safe. Now what? I never stole, borrowed, copied or viewed anything illegal or even knew it existed on the site to be honest. It's easy to jump on the "they deserve it because they made more money then me" bandwagon but just because you steal stuff online doesn't mean everybody else does.

Comment look at the cost (Score 1) 41

imo buy a dedicated server with managed support. The op's will be happy because they can SSH in & developers will be happy because they can ticket the hosting company for changes. Clouds have a purpose but nothing beats a dedicated box for cost/performance (you can get a decent one for $250 now a days)

Comment $200/yr per domain - $99/yr when open season. (Score 0) 245

Important to note, It's $200/yr right now to pre-register 1 domain name.. it's not like it's $8-$9. Even after pre-registration when it goes open to anyone to buy it's still $99/yr per domain. I just want to know how someone is GIVEN a business to manage like that. It's going to created record profits for almost no work at the expense of other legit adult and mainstream businesses. Sounds like someone got a kickback to allow this to me.

Comment Not really funny (Score 0) 238

If your a "designer" who can't complete a simple reward flyer in less then 5 minutes (1 photo centred with two lines of text) you really are full on retarded. If you can't find 5 minutes to help a co-worker who could easily poison you without you ever knowing.... you really are lazy. People with pets think of them as family members I don't think it's funny or insightful it's obnoxious.

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