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Comment Re:Why we have a 5th Amendment (Score 1) 871

The question is, "why did I pull you over?" not, "do you know how you fucked up?" I'm not a mind reader so I honestly don't know which of several possible reasons you decided to select. Maybe I did make an infraction, maybe you are looking for someone else that drives a similar car to the one I'm in, maybe you need to warn me about road conditions ahead or some other unusual event. So no, I honestly do not know why you pulled me over and it is not a crime for me not to know.

Comment Re:On the fence. (Score 1) 351

Hahahahhaaaahhahaha! Really? You obviously have not worked with a union workforce before, and have NO IDEA how often this kind of crap happens. Yes, as a group, union workers are a good group of men and women dedicated to doing their jobs in a professional manner. 95% of them will give you 8 hours work for 8 hours pay. But, there are the 5% out there that will expend more effort looking for ways to avoid work than they will actually doing work. It's unfair to me as an employer. It's unfair to the person paying the bills, my customer. And it's unfair to the 95% of the people that don't abuse the system.

I get that, I get that it happens. But what your telling me is that 100% of the workforce is willing to follow the union, oppose their employer, possibly strike in the near future, all so that 5% of their work force can continue to abuse the system? That makes no sense. I was looking for other reasons both for or against the systems.

Using computers and touch screens because they are new and fancy is stupid when a pen and paper will do.

How about using technology to improve a process? Yeah, pen and paper will most certainly get the job done. That doesn't mean it's the best way to do it. Five years ago my company would have told you there is absolutely nothing wrong with their paper time sheets. Now that they have a touch-screen based time-keeping system, they understand how old and broken their paper time-sheet system was.

I'm not against technology, technology can be great when used correctly. What I don't like is technology for the "just because" Things like voting machines that are less secure and less accurate then pen and paper. Things like $100,000.00 automated public toilets that are supposed to take care of them selves and fix so many problems but the just end up having an out of order sign on them 4 months later. In the end the only thing they really do is make the seller a lot of money.

Comment On the fence. (Score 5, Insightful) 351

I'm currently undecided if this is a good thing or not. On one hand, I'm against technology for the sake of technology. Using computers and touch screens because they are new and fancy is stupid when a pen and paper will do. It's one thing to have biometrics in clean areas like banks and office buildings, it's another to have then in maintenance areas. How long before they start to fail and workers are not getting paid because they can't clock in due to dirt and grease build up.

On the other hand, They have really failed to outline how their civil liberties are being attacked. To what extent can someones thumbprint be abused and how will this affect workers and their rights. None of that was even attempted to be explained.

To anyone saying that the workers just want to fraudulently sign in for someone else and abuse the system needs to try again and come up with a real argument. The assumption that workers just want to screw over employers is elitist and is a part of the same poor logic of "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about." It completely side steps the real issues and disguises the technology as only hurting the bad people. While I don't deny that fraud probably happens, there is no way that fraud is the sole reason for rejection of biometrics. Give real reasons for it, not made up reasons for why the are against it.

Comment Re: Sounds good to me (Score 1) 555

Wow, what a fuckload of masturbatory feel good bullshit. I'm talking about a restaurant and their fucking COFFEE options but of course that must mean that must be my opinion about every major public issue. Nice that you need to bring up your political leanings so everyone can know what a great fucking person you are. I think you forgot to mention that you are against Hitler and the Nazis were a bad thing.

You sound like the sort of loud mouth idiot that jerks off to the American flag every night proclaiming how good freedom feels. Just because I used the word minority, doesn't mean I'm referring to every TYPE of minatory, but never fear, you will be there wearing a cape telling everyone how great you are not realizing there is no one needing your help.

Please, go fuck your self you elitist asshole.

Comment Re: Sounds good to me (Score 0) 555

That's easy. It should be at a temperature that is less than what would cause severe physical damage if someone had it spilled on them, a not uncommon accident. The line between "ow ow ow thats hot" and "Ahhhhhh I need surgery" is easy enough to draw.

As for what a minority of people want. I don't give a flying fuck. That is what thermoses and microwaves are for. Still not good enough, brew your own fucking coffee.

Comment Re:A little late (Score 1) 147

And because Wikipedia entries for films are created months—if not years—in advance of a release date, those fluctuating parameters could make possible for a course-correction for a floundering film far in advance of its premiere, according to the study.

I think the thing you missed was the article attached to the headline.

Another thing to remember is that movies are not the only medium for sharing a story, many movies are based on existing books and stories. Stories that already have a fan base. The more those fans love a story or characters, the more involved and interested they will be in any movie project.

Comment Not a matter of curtisoy. (Score 1) 892

Giving notice is not just a matter of professionalism but legally required both ways depending on state and country. When your fired or laid off, you get 2 weeks severance pay. That is your notice. When you quit, you also need to give 2 weeks notice to allow your employer to find a replacement or shift responsibilities. If you just up and quit and that causes the company to lose money, they can successfully sue you to reclaim those losses. Now most service positions will have a hard time showing a court of law then when you quit your McDonalds job that McDonalds suffered any sort of loss because you weren't there, so most businesses won't go after former employees.

If you choose to, it boils down to the type of job you have. If you are just a cog in a machine that doesn't respect you, do what is best for you. Did you know that some people actually feel guilty about this type of shit?

Comment Re:I don't understand (Score 1) 308

It depends on what area you are in. Did you know that a whooping 99% of all crime in Africa is committed by black people. If your in Africa, don't trust any black people. Also the vast majority of crime committed in Japan is done by Asians. I was thinking of visiting Japan but I only want to visit areas that are free of Asians.

Comment Re:Already happening (Score 1) 867

Agreed fellow Canadian. What I don't understand is the friggin hard on Americans get over their postal service. "I don't get mail, I don't send mail, but screw with my postal service and I'll raise hell!"

Is it just change Americans fear? Canceling Saturday delivery doesn't affect most people, Centralizing delivery only slightly affect people. You just stop at the mail box on the way home from work, or if you work from home, you stop to check your mail on your trip to town for supplies. It's not a big deal.

Comment Re:How is this legal? (Score 1) 1103

That's great, think you can name something positive that unions have done in the last 50 years or so? Unions have been more self serving than benefiting to employees in recent times. The power struggle between employees and employers will never end. Employers will always look for ways to increase profits and payroll will always be the biggest expense. Employees will always want more for the work they do as they are the people that generate the profits for the companies they work for.

The sad part is that when the workers loose a little bit of ground, Union people scream like it's the sign of the Apocalypse to justify their existence. When the pendulum swings too far in one direction, I will fully support a union for fair working conditions and practices but I would hardly call current time working conditions as oppressive.

Comment Re:The power of love (Score 4, Insightful) 204

What does it matter how much money the guy has? He was fortunate enough to have the skills, resources and dedication to do what he did. Think of all the parents that have a shit ton of money but are to stupid to do their own research or give up after a month because it's too hard.

The world is not fair or equal but when someone is presented with an chance to do something and has the ability and resources to do so, that does not take away from what they did. All your comment does is highlight how jealous you are because he has money and you do not and he did something that you can never do.

Comment Re:Genius judge (Score 1) 540

There is a very important part that you and everyone else is missing. The contract of an internship is not just working for zero dollars. The intern is to be paid in unique experience in the field they are working in. That is the whole point of it. It's not about learning how to work. Yea interns are going to be the bottom of the ladder and get some shit jobs like fetching coffee or pushing a broom but in between those moments you're supposed to be involved in other aspects to learn about the industry you plan on being involved with.

If at the end of nine months and working for free and finding that you haven't learned a damn thing and are no better off than you were nine months ago because you were treated as free labor, then the studio failed to uphold their end of the contract. So if employers don't want to be bothered to pay interns with skills, then they can just pay them with money.

Comment Re:2 year contract (Score 4, Insightful) 230

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! "I never said throw it away." You may as well have.

You mock his outdated hardware, then suggest he give it to someone else? So you can mock them for their outdated hardware? It's not good enough for him but it's good enough for someone else? As long as it does what he needs it to do, why does he need to upgrade?

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