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Comment Re:Best price (Score 1) 366

Maybe in your state ... my cub scout shot .22s his last two years in cub scouts.

At a council-run camp? Which council?

BSA's Age-appropriate Guidelines for Scouting Activities ( would suggest that your council is out of bounds. Then again, they're only guidelines.

Our council follows the guildlines.

Comment Re:Best price (Score 4, Informative) 366

Nope. Cub Scouts have always shot bows and small rifles.

I've just gone through the whole thing with my son from Cub Scout to Eagle Scout, I'm an Eagle Scout myself, was Scout Master of his troop for three years, took Wood Badge, and went with the troop to summer camp, Double H and Philmont. Clearly I wouldn't know anything about the program.

Cub Scouts do not shoot rifles or shotguns. Webelos get to shoot pump action BB guns.

Boy Scouts get to shoot 22 rifles and shotguns, and older boys (14+) get to shoot black powder rifles. At Philmont they get to shoot 30-06 rifles in addition to shotgun and black powder.

Comment Re:Pins for IT achievements instead (Score 1) 366

About 20 years ago I remember there was a computer related merit badge. There were three steps to earn this badge; one of them was to turn a computer on and then off. The other two steps were only marginally more complex.

There (still) is a Computer Merit Badge for Boy Scouts. It has been available for a lot longer than 20 years -- I earned it over 30 years ago, and there was considerably more to do than just turn a computer on. And yes, the requirements today are different than they were 30 years ago.

Perhaps there was a different award for Cub Scouts. Naturally we would expect them to be easier than Boy Scout Merit Badge requirements.

Comment Re:Best price (Score 1) 366

| "Oh, right. No first person shooters...(sigh)"

"Archery, Rifle, and Shotgun are Boy Scout merit badges.

The Video Gaming awards are for Cub Scouts"

The point I was trying to make was one of mixed messages. I think it still stands.

Perhaps I read too much into your erroneous comment about FPSs not being allowed.

Without that, what mixed message do you think there is?

For the record, it's only the Faux News commentator who suggested that FPSs should not be allowed; but there is no such restriction.


Facebook Is Transcoding Video For iPad 277

Stoobalou sounds another death knell for Flash video. He says "Another heavy user of Adobe's video streaming software Flash is now pandering to the all-powerful iPad. Everybody's favourite waste of time, social notworking monster Facebook, is now streaming user videos to Apple's second coming of the portable computer with no sign of Flash in sight."

Economy Tanked While Government Surfed Porn 405

unixan writes "In a report by the SEC Inspector General that smacks of fiddling while Rome burns, 33 recent ethics investigations all showed that the government employees responsible for keeping an eye on the economy were instead obsessed with surfing porn — while the economy was tipping over. One cited example: 'A senior attorney at the SEC's Washington headquarters spent up to eight hours a day looking at and downloading pornography. When he ran out of hard drive space, he burned the files to CDs or DVDs, which he kept in boxes around his office.'"

Comment Re:Need to eliminate the Dollar note, and Cent coi (Score 2, Interesting) 515

Damn slashdot swallowed my cent characters. Hey slashdot, it's 2010, can't we join the 21st century and allow ISO8859-1 characters?

A dollar today has the buying power of 6 cents in 1940. But don't take my word for it, here's one of many inflation calculators []

Can you imagine your grandparents carrying a wallet stuffed with 5 cent notes? Or a pocket full of .06 coins?

Time to get rid of them. Time to stop wasting 100s of millions of dollars every year printing and minting them.

Comment Need to eliminate the Dollar note, and Cent coins. (Score 1) 515

A dollar today has the buying power of 6 in 1940. But don't take my word for it, here's one of many inflation calculators

Can you imagine your grandparents carrying a wallet stuffed with 5 notes? Or a pocket full of .06 coins?

Time to get rid of them. Time to stop wasting 100s of millions of dollars every year printing and minting them.

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