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Comment Re:SciAm has been driving hard-left since 2000 (Score 2) 646

Yup. Spent subscription money on SciAm for many years. Then they lurched hard left into crazy land, editorially. Totally transparent political pandering, to the point of embarrassing themselves with their choices about what was or wasn't "scientific." Stopped buying it, have never looked back. This endorsement news, backing the Harris administration, is hardly a surprise.

Comment Chris Cuomo, really? (Score 3, Interesting) 229

The irony of Chris Cuomo doing the sanctimonious virtual signaling dance over mask wearing is hilarious. This, the guy who faked his isolation with the bug, faked reuniting with his family, and got busted when he was supposed to be isolating, out and about in NY without a mask on ... followed by trying to shame/smear the guy who called him out on it.

Yeah, Chris, get on that high horse and lecture people about their personal responses to this. Hypocrite. Liar. Typical.

Comment Re:Do you really have to bring up Trump? (Score 5, Insightful) 137

Because Trump's words and actions keep keep killing people, and his encouragement of words and actions that kill people is relevant to what people might do with this information.

Of course, you know perfectly well that the case in question doesn't have anything to do with things that Trump never said anyway, and looks more like an about-to-be-divorced couple having trouble and the wife using the fish tank cleaner to deliberately poison him. All of that is easily known, but you've got TDS bad, so fake news is your go-to response.

Comment Re: Could this be the rise of mass "Alt-Right soci (Score 1) 228

Anyone who uses the term leftist IS a supremacist.

And right there is everything that's now wrong with contemporary discourse.

Twitter gleefully silences people right of center, while tolerating and celebrating raving lefty trolls and even true believer marxist drones. And who cares? It's their system, they can skew things as left as they want. And people who don't like people like childishly equating non-Marxists with white supremacists are happy indeed to leave and go talk amongst more rational people.

The term "leftist" is a specific reference to world view. There are idiotic people of all colors who fancy themselves such, by whatever name you want to call it. The BLM founders proudly say that they are running a Marxist organization. People who don't want to see the country descend into everything that's always wrong with that aren't white supremacists, they're just interested in liberty. Unlike the left, which is showing - in flames and destruction, as always - its compulsion towards brown shirt style tyranny, oppression, intolerance, and the desperate need to see things like skin color as a sign of which box someone must be in. Business as usual. Che Guevara would be proud! Line 'em up, burn 'em down, right?

Comment Re:Could this be the rise of mass "Alt-Right socia (Score 5, Insightful) 228

sites like Voat and Parler spring up to who are catering to the Neo-Nazi's

Have you actually checked out Parler, as opposed to simply parroting the vitriolic talking points you've been assigned to repeat? Out of curiosity, I did. Parler has been full of friendly back and forth and things like news and commentary as you'd expect from people who don't want to hang out in the leftist twittersphere. Your imaginary cabal of white supremacists isn't there. Of course, in the last week or so, it's now full of lefty trolls copying and pasting the same screeching, juvenile rants they copy and paste on twitter. And like you, most of them don't know how to use an apostrophe.

Comment Re:It's a joke, goddammit! (Score 1) 404


Why is our President even retweeting such a thing? Especially NOW when racial tensions are so high.

The point of this OBVIOUS SATIRE is to illustrate that it's media outlets like CNN that are the ones causing those racial tensions with their constant BS cherry-picking and uncritical robot-like repeating of every bit of race-baiting nonsense that lefty politicians and talking heads throw their way. Your breathless hand-wringing is EXACTLY why such satire is so important. Because you've become a completely unthinking consumer of the sort of toxicity that CNN spends so much time deliberately creating and amplifying. It deserves every kind of rebuttal available, including mockery.

Comment Re:Told You So a Month Ago (Score 1) 404

Trump posted a video that turned out to be a forgery.

No, he passed along something that is plainly satire, to make a point. Lefties think that only they should be allowed to make points using satire, and fill virtually every late-night talk show with it. The supposedly much better educated people on the left fancy themselves the arbiters of everything art and literature and even remotely performance-related, but then when their acute TDS requires it of them, pretend they are such morons that they can't spot obvious satire when anyone but their team deploys it for rhetorical purposes. So which is it: are you unable to spot obvious satire, or unable to admit that you know it's obvious satire?

Comment Re:Tesla Shrugged (Score 1) 359

So ... don't work there any more? Because there will be no vaccine any time soon. Months, years possibly. Let me guess: you'd prefer the company go down in flames and the employees get ever more debt-backed entitlements, instead of those willing and able to work with updated hygiene/safety conditions getting back to producing things. I'm tending to an elderly parent and working 60-70 hours a week. I've had to utterly change how I interact with client projects on site, and hold client hands through all sorts of changes to keep us all creating (rather than collecting) money. Yes, it's hard for a lot of people. It's hard for me, that's for sure.

Comment Re:Tesla Shrugged (Score 4, Insightful) 359

Not sure what backwater you're from, but I guarantee it's not as important as California.

You know how you can tell how important a place is? By the number of people fleeing it for other places. Oh, and the number of them lying in the streets, dying in piles of their own filth. So important! So, so important. Please, teach the rest of us how we can be more like you.

Comment Re:Now he wants an investigation? (Score 1) 641

who has directed the head of the IRS not to turn over his tax returns when requested by Congress

He has turned over MOUNTAINS of documents to congressional committees, IGs, and entities like Mueller's hatchet team. You're mad because a purely partisan campaign season oppo research fishing attempt through the IRS is being resisted on the totally appropriate grounds of separation of powers ... isn't to your liking. But if the tables were turned, you'd be all for the push back.

his quid pro quo with Ukraine

Which was non-existent, which means you're complaining about pure BS ginned up by professional political operators and partisans STILL mad because their team chose the worst possible candidate for the 2016 election and got what they deserved. Get OVER it already.

Comment Re:China did it was a well thought out strategy (Score 0, Troll) 641

Oh, so he didn't sit around for about a month saying that the virus was a hoax while it was spreading around the US?

No, he didn't. You know perfectly well what he said and the context (political smear attempts by people like Pelosi, who was busy telling people to come out in crowds for Chinese New Year parades) in which he made those remarks. You know all of that. So your intent, here, is to lie. Why do you feel the need to lie?

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