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Comment Re:Have they shown that hands-free devices help? (Score 1, Informative) 349

I have found that cell phone users have actually tried to run me down on the motorcycle. Hold the phone, don't hold the phone, there is little difference once any thought provoking question is asked. The person on the phone is no longer giving operation of their vehicle proper attention. I would like to see the Driving Under the Influence laws modified to include cell phone usage. Anyone using one for non-emergency use while operating a vehicle should be subject to DUI laws and the appropriate insurance penalties. Want to make a call? Pull over so others won't be killed.

The conclusion of that Mythbusters episode was that using a cell phone was as impairing as drunk driving. If you do not believe Mythbusters, check out the NTSB (staff usage ban), NTSB (2006 CDL recommended ban), NTSB (2005 teen ban) or the Center for Transportation Research News. They know what the rest of us survivors do, that these people are dangerous.

Comment Re:Always look on the bright side of life (Score 1) 739

When I look at products I like to see Linux support listed. So I buy stuff from ZA Reason and System76 and used to like the PS3. If you have to hack it, the product has less of a future. Imagine a marketing department deciding to remove a major bullet point from the sales brochure, does this really make sense if you want to sell something?

Comment Re:I'm going to go out on a limb here.... (Score 1) 249

I would have stored the plans to my purple pony, created with Blender, on my DmCrypt partition, with the 30 plus character passphrase, that you have to type in when Fedora boots, and never even created a Facebook account. But I would have to agree with the comments above, most people don't care about what they use if it works.

Comment Re: MS Considers Linux a Threat (Score 1) 306

Couple of things... (just opinions)

Software Patents - Don't think it's right to patent non-physical devices. Hopefully we can someday we can fix this horrible innovation-stifling law.

Lindows - Don't think anyone ever confused Lindows with Windows.

Old dates on information - I was trying to show a long standing pattern of attacks. You went through many of the items essentially saying that the attacks were justified. Don't wish to put words in your mouth but I think that's the gist of your opinion.

Whether the attacks were justified or not it does show that 1) Linux was/is a threat, as indicated by Microsoft. 2) Linux is not a "ghost" that no one can sue or strong arm.

The last few paragraphs seem to be irrelevant to what I wrote so I'll let others comment on the pros and cons of FOSS.

Comment Re:So only XP is out of luck? (Score 1) 442

You forgot some other somewhat cold and dead things: MCA, EISA, PCMCIA, PCI-X. And ESDI, parallel SCSI, ST-506 MFM, and the similar RLL.

I didn't forget anything I left them out.

Why should I assume that 4k sectors won't just be a small and dismal blip on the technological radar like>Microchannel or EISA was, as just another seemingly good idea that nobody ever actually wanted badly enough to buy it?

Don't assume anything, see what the market decides like other intelligent shoppers. Tell me you didn't buy an EISA or Microchannel system. lol

Comment Re:hideously complicated (Score 1) 507

In Colorado there is a county tax that is different in every county. In NJ they have enterprise zones where the tax is half unless your a business in NJ then you need to pay full tax. See, it is unbelievably simple.

On taxes in general... they have already been paid. The manufacturer paid tax on the raw goods, tax was paid by the distributors, and income tax was collected from the people who work for these organizations. Have I left out anything? Please add it in if so. Do we get any more representation in Congress for the items that have been taxed three or more times? Please, if it is taxed in the EU, let's not do it here.

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