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Comment Re:not a good idea. actually a horrible idea. (Score 1) 860

He was already the enemy, outting himself or not. There is NO way he could hide. Sooner or later they would catch him and make him look as a criminal. Now he stands as a hero. There is no point in hiding/running from a government who invest trillions of dollars in the security system when you just one guy with a standard income. He had no choice but become public. I think you don't realize the imbalance in power between him and the government.

Comment Re: Human chain (Score 1) 860

Generally agree. Look at Japan by the end of the WWII. The U.S. was destroying every city without even entering them, just with air bombers (and Afghanistan, Iraq, etc just prove the point). Of course if the army actually tries to invade a city by ground with troops, the citizens can fight them with whatever weapons they have.. but they'll lose and it'll be bloody, instead of just losing. So the "we ought to have guns to defend ourselves from the government" is a joke.

Comment FOSS? (Score 2) 318

Do you see widespread use of cellphones and tablets running on FOSS? I don't so no worries there, the feds won't have much problem.

But Android is FOSS!. Hear you buddy, dream on. Even if you have the skills to compile Android from scratch, don't need any closed drivers and can manage to install it on your cellphone... even then you're just a few in a billion users market. For all practical purposes there is no FOSS getting in between the feds/govt and your privacy.

Comment Good luck to them, they will need it! (Score 1) 251

I have used Google Docs products for the last 3-4 years in various ways and I can say this: they suck.

Try to create a spreadsheet with a moderate number of rows and you're toasted, specially if you use any kind of formula.

BTW, everything done using the super Google Chrome browser so there would be no complaints.

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