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Comment Re:Yes, but why is a project necessary? (Score 1) 100

they don't have the time

Seriously, could you read a bill with a schedule like this?

- How The Average Congressperson Spends Their Time -

Voting on legislation - 2.1%
Talking with constituents - 2.4%
Travel - 8.0%
Meeting with lobbyists - 12.5%
Trying to get reelected - 18%
Vacations / Holidays - 24.7%
Seducing male pages - 32.3%


Submission + - Microsoft Changing Users Default Search Engine

BabyDuckHat writes: Cnet's Dennis O'Reilly caught "Windows Search Helper" trying to change his default Firefox search from Google to Bing. This isn't the first time the software company has been caught quietly changing user's preferences to benefit it's own products.

Comment Re:Easy (Score 3, Insightful) 195

Actually, you may not be far off. It's a common tactic to propose a bill that actually asks for far more than you want. That gives the opposition the chance to gut it or to come together for a sunshine-time compromise, while still allowing what you really wanted to get passed.

EvilPerson1: How can I make it legal to beat people with boards?
EvilPerson1: "I propose we give law-enforcement the authority to pull off peoples ears with with pilers and beat them with boards with nails in them."
EvilPerson2: "Objection! That's just barbaric!"
EvilPerson1: "Fine, let's compromise: They can't do the pliers thing, but they can still hit them with boards."
EvilPerson2: "Getting there, but I'm still not comfortable with the nails."
EvilPerson1: "You wimp. Fine, no nails." Sucker.
EvilPerson2: "That's better."

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