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Comment You don't need much exercise to stay in shape! (Score 1) 865

Are you worried about weight or health?

For your heart, you need aerobic exercise 20 min/day 5+ days/week. So for lunch, run 20 minutes and eat while working. Or bike. Or climb lots of stairs. Sweat. Give yourself a sponge bath in the handicapped washroom if you have no shower available

For strength, you need to stress your muscles to the max 3x/week. Look up "body weight exercises" or join a gym or buy some elastic bands you can attach to stationary objects and stuff in your backpack or briefcase for portability.

But for weight, you just have to eat fewer calories. Switch to more fibre and less fat foods. Eat fruit for snacks, not pop or chips. Eat more vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Trim all fat/skin off your meats. Make eat smaller portions. Stay hungry until your weight is what you want.

Ideally, do both.


Comment Battery life (Score 1) 200

It's hard to measure battery life definitively because there are so many ways to use a computer. Online gamers or DVD watchers may get 1 hour while writers offline get 3.

What I've done with XP is to use SpeedSwitchXP to cut cpuspeed to 60% on battery, turn the screen down lowest, turn off wifi & bluetooth, remove USB keys and any other removable media, set and use BattStat, which allows me to turn off the screen with f8.


Comment Re:"functional programming languages can beat C" (Score 1) 502

Oh yeah? OK, invert a matrix in C, and then in APL (or J). Make the C program accept binary, integer, single precision or double precision arrays, real or complex numbers.

Try programming:
sin=: 1&o. NB. Function to be approximated
x=: 5 %~ i. 6
c=: (sin x) %. x ^/ i.4 NB. Use of matrix divide


Comment Anti-Malware is a super place for a back door..... (Score 1) 405

How do you know Big Brother isn't already subsidizing anti-malware programs, which are a great place for a back door for Big Brother. Perhaps scan for VIP keywords, use some voice/face recognition with the microphone and camera, send off some UDP packets (or hide amid SSL traffic) to Big Brother's computers with interesting news....

OTOH, with Echelon and sisters, perhaps such efforts are gilding the lily.


Comment Nuclear is better than burning carbon (Score 1) 255

I want more nuclear power plants. Safe nuclear power plants. No CO2.

Local nuclear power means no shipping refined products to burn in generators (with many resulting accidents as well as CO2 production.

Heck, nuclear power ships could be used in disasters and a host of other opportunities.



Submission + - Philosophies and programming languages (

evariste.galois writes: In Wikipedia, in every article for a programming language, there is a special section "Language Philosophy", in which the motivation and the basic principles of the language design are being analyzed. The author is investigating much further than that, the deeper connections between philosophies and programming languages, by considering most influential thinkers of all time (e.g. Plato, Descartes, Kant) and trying to figure out which programming language fits best with most aspects of their own philosophy (Did you know that Kant was the first Python programmer?). The list is not exhaustive, but this is a funny and educative start.

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