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Comment Correct the Record (Score 2) 552

And in 2016 the Super PAC "Correct the Record" paid people to join online conversations to post pro-Hillary stuff and attack comments critical of her. It also coordinated with her campaign, claiming they were exempt from rules against coordination. That was much more extensive than a few internet polls.

Comment Re:Well if you want a real solution (Score 3, Interesting) 462

Most of them are not refugees from political violence. Most of them are leaving for financial reasons. And the caravans started because Pueblos Sin Fronteras organized them and told these people their life would be much better if they left for the US. There's a reason the last one hit the border right at election time.

Comment Re:Apples and oranges... (Score 4, Insightful) 462

Border Patrol disagrees with you:

The advantage of a physical wall is it doesn't care who is in the white house. When you rely on catching people crossing illegally what to do with them after is a matter of policy that can be determined by the administration. If you prefer ignoring the law and allowing illegal immigration this is a feature.

Comment Re:No, some things you have to take the big leap (Score 1) 497

Clearly. Why not take a reasonably functional system containing hundreds of millions of people and flip it on its head so we can see what happens? What could possibly go wrong?

This is how you know our society is spoiled. People support this kind of stuff without fearing the consequences of their actions.

Comment Re:Warrior (Score 1) 154

Type annotations and docstrings help with the whole lack of type declaration thing. Of course that requires discipline, which is in short supply from my experience. If you can force your developers to run pylint that will at least complain when they don't have docstrings.

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