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Comment Enjoy the summer (Score 1) 3

Take the time now to enjoy the time you have. You might be too busy in college, and you WILL be too busy when you get a real job.

Besides, it's been my experience while I was a TA for computer science that kids with "experience" thought they knew it all and didn't bother to properly learn design patterns.

Comment Re:He doesn't understand the job he is applying fo (Score 1) 226

Just because you write a simple bill does not mean the complexity has gone away.

I like to think that "simple bill" means it has one objective. Not a bunch of extra shit attached to it at the last second that has nothing to do with the original intent, but is there just to get others to vote for it. So I'm all in favor of "One Bill, One Purpose".

Comment Re:Polling? How last decade. (Score 1) 226

I know this was supposed to be a joke, but this might actually have more merit than you think. FB/G+ accounts are associated with a specific an identifiable person, and thus would allow you to audit the votes to ensure no one is cheating/hacking/etc. However, the one drawback is that your vote is no longer private.

Comment Re:Must be a godsend. (Score 1) 314

In fact this is the best thing social media did: got rid of all the lolz-cats-licking-must-watch, political activism and check-what-i-did-in-band-camp spam. Now if I get email, I know it's important.

If only I had mod points!!!!

I didn't realize this until you said it, but you are absolutely right! I don't get any more "FWD:FWD:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE: OMG LOOK AT THIS!" emails anymore, or any of those "Send this to everyone in your address book 10 times!" messages.

All of the sudden, I discovered the true value of Facebook.

Comment Everyone send them feedback!!! (Score 1) 398

Everyone, not just NY'ers, send them feedback. But use an obviously fake name, address, phone, email. Tell them you did this to prove a point. Don't make the message threatening - try to be informative. If they get thousands of messages, maybe....just maybe...they'll get the point.

(I know they won't, but it least I feel like I'm doing something about it)

Comment What? (Score 4, Insightful) 270

So, if you have a phone plan that includes unlimited text messages, but don't use them as much now, wouldn't that be ADDING to the teleco's revenue?

Further more, how would a data driven app displace a cellular function??? Text messaging uses less power and resources on my phone. I can text all day long but if have to be connected to the internet to use facebook, I get far less life out of my battery. I don't get why people would prefer a data app over a native cell feature...but that's just me.

Comment Re:Convenience only (Score 1) 149

There is a distinct difference between stopping a service that you pay for, and someone not allowing you to freeload anymore.

If you ride BART, you are subject to their rules. They offer you the FREE service of extended cell antennas, but offer no agreement or contract for them to actually work. If they did, don't you think people would have sued them already for their crappy service?

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Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty. -- Plato
