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Comment Re:ssh/scp anyone? (Score 1) 412

I agree - I have a 64MB drive (that was big when I got it), somewhere, but now that have a server I can retrieve stuff from (and I no longer need portableapps with any regularity), I don't feel a need for a drive. I also tend to carry my camera with me, which I can use as a USB drive in a pinch if there's an appropriate cable handy.

Comment Re:Use subversion either hosted or your own server (Score 1) 302

I think you're missing requirement (1):

(1) dead simple to use, because that's not what the course is about

Having been both a student and a TA in this program, I can say with confidence: (a) svn is available for students / courses to use (although there's some overhead to getting it set up), and (b) although there is some command-line education component to the course, these students (depending on which course this is) have plenty to think about with interpreting tracebacks and remembering whether arrays start at 0 or 1. (That dead simple.) They don't need to think about svn quite yet.

Also, like the OP said, he's looking for concurrent collaboration. As other people have suggested, SEE is the right idea, though cross-platform is a must and web-based is probably better. Mercurial or svn or git are solving a different problem.


Submission + - How many times do you have to ^D when closing out?

enFi writes: "What's the highest non-outlier number of times you find yourself hitting ^D when closing a terminal/console window?
Options: 'I never log in', '1', '2', '3+', 'CowboyNeal logs me out'"
Social Networks

Submission + - OkCupid plots personal questions geographically (okcupid.com) 2

Mark writes: "The dating site OkCupid posted some interesting graphs which draw from their 300,000 response data set of personal, user-contributed questions. This is the first post in their new blog, and has graphs showing: Croatia and Nevada lead in acceptance of rape fantasy, as opposed to New and old England; frequency of bathing in the US has a strong north-south bias (northerners report showering less frequently); and, plotted by lattitude/longitude instead of state or country, we find that "only people in cities believe flag burning should be legal". (OkCupid also points out that their data set compares quite favorably with the 2008 Gallup election poll, at 100x that survey's 3,050 response.)"

Comment Re:Not much of a threat (Score 2, Informative) 469

I don't [think] this is something that happens often under circumstances people normally experience.

I agree. In the first article, it doesn't tell us how the rats were kept awake, but it gives a hint that they were not kept up by excitement over their latest project:

It's also possible that extreme levels of stress contributed to the rats' demise.

However, the article opens talking about Guantanemo; it is relevant to consider that such treatment of fellow human beings might be more dangerous than supposed.

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