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User Journal

Journal Journal: Here At Home in the Third World

(The first 2Perfessor joint.)

The Perfessor and I were talking about Hurricane Katrina and the reactions thereto, and I mentioned a telling comment that one of the CNN reporters had made, a Freudian slip of the worst order. The reporter was in the midst of the devastated zone, and said something like, "When we get back to the States..." Keith Olbermann also came out with the line "Somewhere, in the city of Louisiana," as though the US Gulf Coast were some sinking city-state, a drowned

Journal Journal: A Belated Announcement 5

A week ago Friday, I submitted my resume to Fanshawe College, as they were apparently looking for instructors for their Continuing Education department, in either English or Technical Writing. (I thought, "I could do that!") On Sunday, I got an e-mail back from someone asking if I'd be interested in interviewing for a position teaching Business Communication in their day-school General Studies department. On Tuesday, I went for my interview. On Wednesda

Journal Journal: OSS for Non-Programmers: They'll Come if You Want Them To 13

There's a lengthy thread going on the TECHWR-L technical writers' list about using free and open source (FOSS) applications particularly for technical writers. While it seems that the field is shaping up nicely in terms of tools (this is gratifying to know, considering that I intend to set up an entire tech-writing kit on a Linux system), it still has some problems. This, you might say, is a plea from a non-developer user of FOSS to the development community, asking you to consider deliberate

Journal Journal: The Perfessor Pitches A Book -- Yike! 6

Coincidentally enough, given the topic of my last JE (steaming away at 27 comments as I write this), Rustin and I were talking about the NCL conspiracy which eventually led to the destruction of streetcar lines continent-wide (when they tore up the streetcar tracks here in London, they claimed it was so that they could use the metal for the war effort), and Rustin asked me if I'd be able to put together 3000 words on it or so for a pocket guide. I said that oughtn't to be a problem.
The Almighty Buck

Journal Journal: $3.53/gal*, 33M people, 5 time zones -- you do the math 29

*(91.3 cents/litre)

Since I've been in a fairly cranky mood lately, I'm getting a little annoyed with Americans griping about high gas prices. Their gas prices are hovering right around $2/gallon, and they think they've got it bad.

Journal Journal: This Was The War That Wasn't 1

Constant Readers, I am in mourning. For the last eight years, I've gone to the Pennsic War for the first two whole weeks of August. This year, due to being in the Small Business Development course, and being paid grant monies to be here and develop my business (such as it is), I'm not going this year. On the other hand, I'm not exactly being philosophical about it. It's bumming me out incredibly.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Going to Pennsic? Sign My Pennsic Book!

Since I'm not going to be at Pennsic this year, unless some miracle appears between then and now, I've sent a blank book with Myfanwy for people to write messages in. Thanks to my friend Maugorn for the idea. The book will be residing primarily at House of the Three Roses, E13, for those of you who want to leave me a message and sympathy.
The Gimp

Journal Journal: Aloha Oe Vey... 2

I have this friend who manages to vex me quite a bit, and I'm not exactly sure why. I mean, I know exactly the vexing things she does, but not why she does them.

Journal Journal: "Congratulations on the purchase of your new Avro Arrow!"* 2

My favourite major bookstore in the city (the Coles/Indigo in Argyle Mall) is having a remainder sale right now, and for the next two weeks. Among my finds were two copies of Avro CF-105 MK. 1 Pilot's Operating Instructions and RCAF Testing/Basing Plans, Foreword by Lieutenant Colonel T.F.J. Leversedge, Boston Mills Press, 1999. (This edition is the one that doesn't come with a CD-R

Journal Journal: Help? 4

(Hmm, no topic for "Documentation." How boring we are.)
Role Playing (Games)

Journal Journal: Thought Experiment: What would you do with yourself if...? 19

I've grabbed Perfessor Multigeek's old JEs (all 145 of them, the piker -- I have 306), and one of his favourite rhetorical techniques seem to be proposing thought experiments. So. I'm curious.

To ape the Perfessor, here are the constraints of the game:

Postulate that you suddenly are dropped into a situation where:

You have no formal 9-5 type job and no consulting commitments, for those of us out there who don't work 9-5 type jobs.

Journal Journal: Be The First Kid On Your Block to Have The Whole Set!! 4

Last night I got LPetrazickis' New And Improved Slashdot Journal Grab-O-Matic[TM][Patent Perpetually Pending] (now with sparkly blue enzymes!) working, and grabbed a complete set of my own back issues. 305 entries as of last night, so I guess this is #306. This won't speed up the indexing process at all, unless Leo tells me how to redirect the summary it generates to its own text buffer... (And if you're going to explain it in W

Journal Journal: Index Entry #2: 25-50 5

Hine! Here is the second entry in my Index series. I'm slowly but surely creeping up on the things, as I've so far been able to index more posts than I've written in the period of time since I started building my index. We shall see...

Edit:As requested by johndiii, you can find Index Entry #1 here.

Journal Journal: Human beings suck. 7

My friend DGlenn, who posts on LiveJournal, got jumped by six or eight guys and beaten up, just metres from his front door. Apparently the idiots in question first took offense at the way he was dressed (he's transgendered and cross-dresses, although before anyone jumps to conclusions, I should point out that he has two girlfriends and no interest in men), and then decided that his camera and equipment looked worth stealing. He'

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