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Comment Pharmaceuticals are capped at 14 - 17 years. (Score 1) 597

This promotes cheap medicines. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9B0DE0D7113AF932A0575BC0A961948260 No patent term extension can extend the term of a patent for a pharmaceutical beyond 14 years from the receipt of Food and Drug Administration approval to commence marketing. ... The bottom line is that the period of marketing exclusivity provided by a patent for a pharmaceutical can never exceed 17 years

Submission + - Should the slashdot effect be used on spammers? (slashdot.org)

crowne writes: Should the slashdot effect or some similar mechanism be used as a spam revenge tactic? Its generally smaller sites that fall victim to being slashdotted, and its probably fair to assume that spammers are running on larger kit, so this kind of revenge attack may require a grid-type of co-ordinated attack using SETI@home styled grid, with anonymous payload protection built in. The only other component that would be required is a user base that takes spam as a personal affront, from what I've seen ... this forum is fair match for that characteristic. Ethical issues would need to be considered, the target would need to be verified before being added to the slash-spam-list. There is a certain Demetrio Perez, that would receive my first submission to the slash-spam-list.

Comment Re:Film at 11... (Score 1) 876

I bought a sinilar IBN Nodel N where the N key (N for Nother) is completely screwed, so I have been forced to substitute that character, luckily the control keys are okay, so I can cut and paste when I need to ... ctrl-v ... mmmwahaha

"Liquid Wood" a Contender To Replace Plastic 226

Ostracus recommends a Christian Science Monitor piece on the 40-year quest to find a replacement for non-biodegradable plastic. One candidate, written off 20 years back but now developed to the point of practicality, is a formulation based on the lignin found in wood. And it turns out there is another strong environmental reason to put lignin to use in this way: burning it, which is its common fate today, releases the carbon dioxide that trees had sequestered. "Almost 40 years ago, American scientists took their first steps in a quest to break the world's dependence on plastics. But in those four decades, plastic products have become so cheap and durable that not even the forces of nature seem able to stop them. A soupy expanse of plastic waste — too tough for bacteria to break down — now covers an estimated 1 million square miles of the Pacific Ocean. ...[R]esearchers started hunting for a substitute for plastic's main ingredient, petroleum. They wanted something renewable, biodegradable, and abundant enough to be inexpensive."

Comment Re:Riiiight . . . (Score 1) 221

I haven't had much joy from sun hardware. We had a project that needed to process large amounts of data.

A fairly expensive sun server with CoolThreads technology was procured. The application was deployed and the processing time was so bad that we started blaming it on the "CrawlThreads".

We redeployed the app onto a commodity HP server with CEntOS installed and the processing time dropped from 8 hours to 2 hours.

I dont actually think that CoolThreads was a bad technology, unfortunately the application was very limited to what it could do in terms of parallel processing. Most of the processing was linear, so the majority of the massive number of threads that were available from CoolThreads were sitting idle, and the trade-off for the great number of threads available was less processing power for each individual thread.

Comment Re:Open source is paid by the need of the coder(s) (Score 1) 306

You are missing the point of a sunk cost. If someone has a need and has to spend funds to meet the requirement by a certain date due to regulatory or other reasons, they will pay the costs or face the consequences. Once paid this is a sunk cost, already spent and not assumed to be recoverable. If later on someone else is able to benefit from the product of the sunk cost, that is a different argument, and possibly negotiations will proceed. Negotiations wont necessarily result in recovering any of the initial sunk cost, there are many possible results, some of which may be collaborative development or shared future maintenance burdens.

Comment Re:Trashing vs. Thrashing (Score 1) 465

Thrashing is a violent action such as causing a hard disk to spin fast and long. The effects are generally benign, i.e. there is no damage done when the thRashing stops.

Trashing causes long term damage, such as installing windows or .net

But apart from the semantic differences, I would say you're right on the money.

Comment Re:Right tool for the job; factor in hidden costs (Score 3, Interesting) 465

This comes down to choosing the right tool for the job. Perhaps their application is written using frameworks which enable/enforce this kind of normal transactional processing of requests.

Now if the existing application is the only way that they know how to get to the data, then it may easily become the golden-hammer / silver bullet that gets used for performing an upgrade, rather than writing an external sql script which they might not be familiar with. Add to this the common convention of "nothing touches my database except my application", which has proven to be useful by preventing rogue updates which cause application 'bugs', and the golden-hammer / silver bullet becomes even more appealing.

SQL script wouldn't be the only non-application choice, there are quite a few good ETL solutions available, however these tend to cost quite a bit and perhaps the vendor does not want to impose another licence fee onto the client. This brings up a point more relevent to the main article thread, when deciding whether to throw people or hardware ata particular problem, you always have to be aware of the hidden costs i.e. licences for all software used including pre-requisites, network capacity, server-room capacity power & cooling etc. Naturally wide-spread use of open source software makes the initial calculation of software licencing cost a lot easier, although I'm sure that there are those who could argue that the savings on open-source software licences are eroded by necessary additional staff costs.

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