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How To Teach a 12-Year-Old To Program? 799

thelordx writes "I've got a much younger brother who I'd like to teach how to program. When I was younger, you'd often start off with something like BASIC or Apple BASIC, maybe move on to Pascal, and eventually get to C and Java. Is something like Pascal still a dominant teaching language? I'd love to get low-level with him, and I firmly believe that C is the best language to eventually learn, but I'm not sure how to get him there. Can anyone recommend a language I can start to teach him that is simple enough to learn quickly, but powerful enough to do interesting things and lead him down a path towards C/C++?"

Comment Overreaction? (Score 1) 260

I personally do not opine that there will be worrying change in our microbial ecology. Westerners have been consuming acidic foods for ages, including acidic tea, acidic coffee, acidic meat, and more recently, acidic soda. These foods alter the pH of our digestive tract, and correspondingly, our microbial ecology. But hey, we've survived. It can't be worse than an explosion in obese people, can it?

Comment Re:Uhuh (Score 1) 181

Yes, but the beauty of approximation is that as long as you don't extrapolate (which is highly unlikely to be necessary here), as long as it looks good enough like a power law, it follows a power law as far as you are concerned.

Also, for the English Grammar as Mathematical Notation impaired, what the relation states is this: n = p^{-2.5} where n is the number of casualties. I was confused as to why 2.5 was positive.

Comment Re:round round, I git around (Score 1) 361

Wouldn't the best shape be a tetrahedron with a sphere engraved inside? the arms and exterior structure of the tetrahedron will allow for a rigid skeleton and optimum angles to deflect flak and radar and big arms to maximize the displacement of engines from the center of mass. The sphere is good in withstanding internal pressures, and can act as a centrifuge, not to mention containing atmosphere.

Comment Origami (Score 1) 282

The origamians have an interesting sub-solution. Provided that there are an even number of slices, and all slices contain the middle of the pizza, if we enumerate the slices, the total area of the even slices will equal the total area of the odd slices.

Comment Re:11 (Score 1) 282

Personally, I cut my pizza into 42 slices in a grid pattern. That way, once I'm done with eating the entire pizza, I have the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything snugly nestled within my belly.

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