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Comment Re:Most likely inserted by Microsemi/Actel not fab (Score 0) 270

Still seems to me like a non-issue. Even if the fuses weren't blown, unless they steal a physical device and send it back to China, or there is a bridge interface to connect the end products JTAG port remotely, seems to me there is a very low chance that the Chinese are going to get the program on the chips.

Not being readable even when someone has the device in hand is exactly what these secure FPGAs are meant to protect against!

It's not a non-issue. It's a complete failure of a product to provide any advantages over non-secure equivalents.

Comment Re:Unbelievable Gravity (Score 1) 127

It's not a matter of experiencing more gravity though. The sun has more pull on the moon than the earth. That doesn't mean the moon gets pulled into the sun. The hydrogen on the outer layers of this sun would still have more or less the same orbital velocity as the rest of the sun. There has to be something disrupting the orbit.

Comment Re:Unbelievable Gravity (Score 4, Informative) 127

Good maths and all but there's one thing you need to consider- If you're in stable orbit you don't actually fall inwards.

The sun for example has twice the pull on the moon as the earth (do the maths and see for yourself). It doesn't fall into the sun because it's in a stable orbit.

Likewise in this example. It's not a case of the black hole pulling more than the sun at a given distance. It can, but it's not all that relevant, plenty of orbiting bodies have more gravity pull from a nearby larger mass than they exert themselves but that's not what determines whether or not something gets pulled into the larger body.

What does determine whether or not something gets pulled into the larger body is if something disrupts the orbit. In this case the most likely culprit is charged particles from the event horizon stripping the sun of its outer layers.

Comment Re:Unbelievable Gravity (Score 1) 127

Gravity alone doesn't selectively pick out hydrogen and leave helium behind. I'm guessing that's more the usual atmospheric escape when an object gets too close to a mass of charged, high velocity particles. Earth can't hold onto it's hydrogen against the suns solar wind. In this case a sun can't hold out against a black holes radiation.

Comment It needs to be open source (Score 1) 148

A computerised system as ruler is a great idea. But to be a true democracy it has to be open source with democratically voted in patches to the source code.

Say the Ruler starts developments in public parklands that the majority doesn't want. Just submit a patch "-if (isParkland() ) develop(); +if (isParkland() ) protect();" Have patches voted on at each election cycle. The patches that get a majority go into the codebase and the Ruler program then runs this new patched code that people have elected it to run.

A few hundred years of evolution of such a program should produce a great Ruler. One that isn't susceptible to corruption or greed but instead rules exactly to a prescribed program that has been refined to perfection.

Yes I really do look forward to our computer overlords.

Comment Re:Hmmm... (Score 2) 215

Removing the instruction decoder is a bad idea. The microcode is different for every CPU out there and it wouldn't be as fast without an instruction decoder in any case. CISC tends to be memory efficient while RISC tends to be processing efficient. Thanks to the instruction decoder, the x86 currently gets to store it's instructions CISC style while running them RISC style. If you had to write your code using the microcode directly you'd end up with ~100bytes of code for something as simple as the equivalent of the FSQRT instruction. That means cache misses and increased memory use.

The instruction decoder doesn't even use much power in any case and is necessary for many modern CPU features. In fact many ARM CPUs have instruction decoders that support more opcodes than the x86 decoder (standard ARM instructions + THUMB + Jazelle, etc. tends to add up to more than what the x86 has to deal with).

An argument could certainly be made that Intel could support a new instruction set on top of its current CPUs that's more memory efficient than x86 and i'd agree with that (although it'd require yet another run-mode and i'd hate that). But bare metal programming isn't really realistic or even any faster.

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