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Comment Re:Cinnamon on Ubuntu (Score 1) 129

Would you prefer I call it "Sun Java"? I'm not a big fan of Oracle as a company but Sun is no more. Maybe you're implying that open java is what I should be using. Well the fact is there are some applications and development environments that still require Sun/Oracle Java instead of the open one.

Comment Re:Is there enough data (Score 1) 623

Methinks that in a decade or two some natural process will start to decrease carbon levels and then those people put in charge of whatever-crackpot-carbon-saving scheme now will be able to do an I-told-you-so then. When, really, everything we did made zero difference whatsoever.

Maybe bu,t oil and coal are still non-renewable energy sources, much of which we currently rely on from foreign nations. Consider, that if the U.S. becomes more energy efficient but can acquire more domestic oil, it could potentially export that oil and make more profits...something even the oil barons could appreciate

Comment Re:Cap and Trade solves everything! (Score 1) 623

'Future generations' is an abstract idea that completely worthless from our perspective, we will never meet them, we will never know if they even will exist or not

LOL. Are you suggesting that human procreation isn't a fact of existence? Isn't the fact that you are here evidence that there were past generations?...Oh right, you probably never met your great-great-great grandma so how do you know she existed? :P

it is really not our problem what challenges they will face as time progresses.

nice. Of course, you won't be around when they point the finger back to your generation and say 'this is all your fault' so, why should you care.

If today we turn the clock back to technologies that are supposedly 'green' and we end up stifling the progress and innovation that allows us to use more energy and thus provides us with higher standard of living, creating more wealth...

In other words, "we should continue to rely on oil just to support the existing holders and controllers of wealth in the nation." Newflash: oil and coal are not renewable energy sources. Most alternatives to oil and coal are cleaner alternatives. Even nuclear technology is improving in regards to quantity of waste material and ease of waste management. Solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, batteries...are show progress and some promise as future alternatives.

Comment Re:Cinnamon on Ubuntu (Score 3, Insightful) 129

I am currently using Ubuntu 12.04 with Cinnamon (through PPA). I plan to replace all this with Mint 14 Maya (Cinnamon) this weekend. I've heard it's not just the choice in DEs that sets Mint apart from Ubuntu. Ubuntu only provides free open-source packages in its software library (along with some optional non-free proprietary stuff). Mint supposedly provides most of the Ubuntu open-source packages, plus the option to install free proprietary software. This sounds appealing to me because I have to use Oracle Java for a lot of software dev. I usually end up installing Java straight from Oracle's web site because I don't trust 3rd party ppa. So, on Mint, I'm assuming, I can install packages for Oracle Java and other stuff directly from Mint's repository.

Comment Re:Looks tempting .. (Score 1) 129

Unity was my biggest complaint with Ubuntu. Cinnamon is awesome. I've been using version 1.6 of Cinnamon on Ubuntu 12.04 for a few months. This weekend I will make a full transition to Mint 14 Maya (Cinnamon). I used to be a big fan of KDE before 4.0 came out...Maybe some day I'll check it out again.

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