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Comment Re:Almost not fair.. (Score -1) 870

Also, the only time the debt hasn't been wildly growing out of control since 1980 was during the Clinton Admin.


Clinton caused the $700 billion TARP with CRA.

Of course you wouldn't know that from Duh Media.

Which is why the Dummycrat Obama won the election - the Dummycrat media refused to cover the issues.

Really, you few Dummycrats who can read, go read Card:

Let's see, Clinton cutting defense by 40% allowed 9/11 to happen, his CRA cost $700 billion so far....the lying sack of shit did not in any way keep John F. Kennedy's structural debt from increasing.

Canceling the VSE is just the latest assault in the Dummycrat War on Science.

Comment Re:For those that don't get the joke (Score -1) 388

the irrefutable evidence that the climate is changing and the likely probability that humans are causing it completely or contributing to it

No shit, the climate is changing. That's what climates do.

So by definition, climate change is irrefutable.

The argument, as you so eloquently put it, is "humans are causing it completely or contributing to it."

We can completely rule out your "completely" possibility. Humans are not, no way no how, driving the environment entire.

In this way, latter-day aintellectuals are much like their young-earth creationist kinfolk - the world was created perfect, and humans screw it up on what can only be called a Biblical scale.

The old gods sent the flood to get rid of human noise pollution!

It is purely a religious view that warmer global climate is bad.

It is a fundamentalist view that climate change is bad.

The Reverend Jim Jones was a fundamentalist religious environmentalist.

It should be debatable whether carbon dioxide is a pollutant.

the guy was a hack

Really, "the sky is falling" is such an old hack story. Most of us were tired of it by the time we got a Big Wheel.

Comment Dummycrats (Score -1) 3709

Well honestly what can you expect, when the last band of idiots was allowed to run up a 7 trillion dollar deficit? SOMEONE is going to have to pay that off.

A trillion dollars for a war Jimmy Carter (who is a piece of shit) caused, and a trillion dollars for Bill Clinton's affordable housing - yes, the idiot Democrats are good at spending money, blaming it on someone else, and getting Americans killed.


Submission + - James Hansen received Soros money? (

toddhisattva writes: Mister Gasoline, I would like to introduce you to Mister Match:

The Soros Threat To Democracy ...James Hansen, a man billed as a lonely "NASA whistleblower" standing up to the mighty U.S. government, was really funded by Soros' Open Society Institute , which gave him "legal and media advice"?

That's right, Hansen was packaged for the media by Soros' flagship "philanthropy," by as much as $720,000, most likely under the OSI's "politicization of science" program.

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