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Comment Stress it, break it, wipe it, and break it again. (Score 1) 308

I used to use the spare IDE slots on my computers to stress old low capacity hard drives by writing random (non-sensitive) files to them with a script 24/7 until they broke (some old drives seemed to last quite a while). Then, when I started getting errors, I would try to wipe them with random data and when that was done, break them with a hammer/pliers/whatever i had handy to get the disks and magnets out.

Comment Re:side effect (Score 1) 261


Speaking of which, why can't we just make a malaria-proof human?

Well, for starters, there are currently over 6 billion non-malaria-proof humans on the planet, and I don't think most of them would consider giving up their right to children just so that a genetically engineered next generation of humans can be malaria-proof.

But if we can make these mosquitoes breed enough and take over the malaria vulnerable mosquito population, we can take a chunk out of the percentage of malaria spread to these humans and their children

Comment Upgrades (Score 3, Funny) 289

God here. I just upgraded the universe server to PhysicsOS 1.1. Some users may notice a change in proton size due to the new quantum mechanics engine, but unless your working with the OS directly, this shouldn't be a problem for you.

Comment Easy (Score 1) 403

1: Set up a *nix server at yours or a buddy's house (the latter is best, because your buddy can turn it back on if the power goes out)

2: install OpenSSH on the server

3: Learn to use SSH tunneling.

Comment I think I just got targeted from an ad. (Score 1) 124

While opening a bunch of feed items (including this one) which included several different websites, I was prompted to download "like.php" which is a kind of thing that happens when websites set bad headers...

None of my tabs failed to load, so I'm guessing this came from a rogue advert (?)

I don't have a facebook account though, so I'm not worried.

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