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Comment Re:Don't worry big media, the fix is in (Score 1) 463

<quote>My kingdom for mod points... and this is exactly what drives me nuts about the left-wing crowd. When Bush detains people indefinitely and launches "targeted drone attacks" (assassination by UAV) and engages in warrantless wiretapping and "National Security Letters" and so on, it's a dangerous, outrageous and evil assault on freedom and the American way of life.

You can't really blame them. They just swallow what the media feeds them. They don't care about Gitmo or Iraq or wiretaps because the media has altogether ceased reporting on these topics now that their chosen one is in office.

Comment Re:Yay! (Score 3, Insightful) 845

I think this is deplorable too, but:

Isn't it really just a matter of (very little) time until ebay and many other websites are flooded with the new tool available for purchase?

I mean, I don't think Apple can invent a geometric figure for a screwdriver point that no one else can manufacture.

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