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Comment Re:And we want this gov't in charge of health care (Score 0) 121

conspiracy theory Time! The rich are pushing government to do health care. If controlled by the government (that is controlled by corps) then they can kill off the poor (sorry, we could not save your son. The ingrown toenail was to bad. No, you can't see him. Health care requires that we turn in his organs. But you should feel better, your son just save the CEO in the next room.).

Comment Re:If my old school had a judge this is what they (Score 1) 725

Student 1: Student 2-4 jumped me and was beating me up. I Kicked student 3 in the balls, then ran to find a admin.
Judge: So you admit to attacking student 3?
Student 1: Only to be able to find a admin and stop the fight. Fully self-protection
Judge: You student one are to be expelled from this school, and turned over to a higher court from Battery.
Judge: Students 2-4 are to have a letter send home about their actions.

Judge: I hope you all learned that in the US you are to lay down and take you beatings. Fighting back makes you less then a "bully".

Comment If my old school had a judge this is what they do (Score 1) 725

Student 1: Student 2-4 jumped me and was beating me up. I Kicked student 3 in the balls, then ran to find a admin. Judge: So you admit to attacking student 3? Student 1: Only to be able to find a admin and stop the fight. Fully self-protection Judge: You student one are to be expelled from this school, and turned over to a higher court from Battery. Judge: Students 2-4 are to have a letter send home about their actions. Judge: I hope you all learned that in the US you are to lay down and take you beatings. Fighting back makes you less then a "bully".

Submission + - New Castle councilman calls cops on boys' cupcake (lohud.com)

timothy writes: Two middle school students thought they would get away with their iinsidious plans to sell baked goods in a local park, and if it wasn't for those meddling kids, they would have! Hmm. OK, if it wasn't for that meddling, portly small-time politician they would have! There, much more satisfying story now.

Related: http://idle.slashdot.org/story/10/08/06/169205/Portland-Health-Inspector-Shuts-Down-Lemonade-Stand

Comment Re:Just put it (Score 1) 439

Have you been in a hole over the summer? They CAN'T use the Kindle. The Kindle unlike the iPad does not support the blind. Many blind students use text-to-speech on there text books, but some of the readers can not read off of a screen. So they are not allowed to use the Kindle. I have not looked into the nook or any of the other e-book readers.

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