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Comment Re:But...? (Score 1) 340

i don't think fair use is that relevant here. fair use allows you to use someone else's copyrighted materials, but it does not a grant you a new copyright on what you create when you do. even if the DMCA never existed, and myth's crack was considered fair use, it still wouldn't grant them a copyright to it with which they could sue rockstar for violating, it would only protect them from being sued by rockstar.

Comment Re:That is wrong (Score 1) 340

and you're confusing the terms of the specific GPL license with actual copyright law. I will admit my explanation was oversimplified, but yours is basically wrong. myth's work on the code was almost certainly an unauthorized derivative work since it would fail to meet the necessary originality requirements. as such, no copyright is attached, and technically yes, anyone could release myth's code, but since the actual executable file contains rockstars code and myths code intermingled in a way that they can only really be released together, rockstar would be the only one legally allowed to distribute it.

Comment Re:But...? (Score 1) 340

when you create an unauthorized derivative work, the copyright for your derivative is owned by the creator of the original. Assuming that Myth's crack was in fact an unauthorized derivative work, which it almost certainly was, no new copyright was created, instead the derivative work is still covered by Rockstar's copyright on the original, and Rockstar can do with it what they please.

Comment Re:To bring the book industry into the 21st centur (Score 2, Informative) 223

umm, he released The Green Mile serialized, and serialized novels have been around for a few hundred years. The book you're referring to is The Plant, but the experiment there was not serialization, it was some weird bastardization of the honor system where 75% of readers had to pay for him to keep writing.

Comment Re:no.. failpost (Score 0, Flamebait) 172

*sigh* no. It's not illegal and he wasn't charged with "trying to sell his kids on CL." The title contradicts the body.

title says 'accused' not charged with, and the summary does state what he was actually charged with. And are you honestly claiming that it would not have been illegal if he had been trying to sell his kids on craigslist?

Comment Re:Nagios? Never heard of OpenNMS, I take it (Score 0, Redundant) 113

I'll second this. Once upon a time I spent weeks trying to get a Nagios setup working the way I wanted until I eventually abandoned it. Recently discovered OpenNMS, and while it's far from perfect it is a huge step up from Nagios. One thing I will warn though, it's a bit of a beast. Full SNMP collection on a few hundred devices requires some decent processing power and a boatload of I/O.

Comment Re:Didn't see that one coming. (Score 0, Flamebait) 344

Though in a perfectly sane world, the police would never have become involved in the first place.

you have a strange definition of a perfect world. the security of a schools computer system was compromised from a remote location, and you'd prefer to keep the police out of it? somehow they were to psychically know that the perpetrator was a 9 year old with minimal malicious intent and thus shouldn't bother to investigate?

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